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Showing posts from September 1, 2019

Polyglot Gathering Takeaways

Conclusions from the 6th Polyglot Gathering in Bratislava. They'll be meeting in Poland next year. I sure would like to go someday, but these days I've been ignoring my Spanish and pretty much just focusing on Russian.

Jennifer's Personalized Light Teal and White Ombre Coffee Mug

Personalized Light Teal and White Ombre Coffee Mug by annaleeblysse Personalized Light Teal and White Ombre Coffee Mug - Change the light teal background color to make your own ombre. Create your own personalized product by changing the font style, size and color. Try a different calligraphy font. If you transfer this design, you can re-fit or fill the ombre graphic to the new print area.

Personalized for Jessica Light Teal and White Ombre Coffee Mug

Personalized Light Teal and White Ombre Coffee Mug by annaleeblysse Change the light teal background color to make your own ombre. Create your own personalized product by changing the font style, size and color. Try a different calligraphy font. If you transfer this design, you can re-fit or fill the gradient graphic to the new print area. Personalized for Jessica, but you can add your name.

О канале и сайте "О русском по-русски"

An introduction video to the About Russian in Russian site and YouTube channel that YouTube introduced me to yesterday. This one has subtitles and the text in the description so you can get a translation and use the video for listening practice. Anyway... two videos in and I haven't changed my mind. A nice, fairly new addition, to the online resources for people that want to learn the Russian language.

Предложный падеж. Существительные. Часть 1 || Падежи

I found a new channel on YouTube (well, YouTube pointed it out for me) yesterday. I think focusing on Russian only videos is very helpful when learning the language. I started listening to Russian only channels early on in my studies of the Russian language, and I progressed quickly. This channel is fairly new, but I can see that they certainly have started a great resource. Here's their website... Сайт "О русском по-русски" // My personal site «About Russian in Russian»: