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Where I Write

I saw a handful of authors posting pics about where they write. Why not join in? I was interviewed at Romance Junkies recently and here is a picture to prove I'm not that disorganized. The desk is small. I used to have a stand for computer beneath it, but the new computer doesn't make that necessary because the monitor is so small. Right now all that fits is my computer and Rolodex full of cards with websites rather than snail mail addys.

I have one of those chairs you kneel into and directly behind that is my file cabinet and a cupboard where I have the majority of the paperbacks I own and my crock pot, tortilla press, blender, and berry crusher contraption that I don't use often enough to fill kitchen cupboard space.

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The only problem with this method for storing books is when the one I want is at the back on the bottom of a stack. As you can see, that has happened recently enough the cupboard is in disarray. There's a couple more drawers. It doesn't hold all my books anymore!

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  1. Oh, love the pictures. What a charming idea. I must say, your desk is much cleaner than mine. Thanks for sharing your 'space' with us.

    Happy New Year,

  2. my writing area is a mess!! I have a desk piled w/ papers and books, three bookcases (which don't include the books in my room - sheesh!) And I am doing my romance chapter's pubbed author contest so there are postal boxes all over the floor with more books!

    my digital camera whent belly up otherwise I'd post a pic on mine too!

    thanks for sharing - it's fun to see how other writers . . . write

  3. I cleaned up my office before Christmas and it looks a lot better, but the piles of stuff are slowly creeping back. It just takes so much work to keep everything neat all the time. Your picture reminds me, I should haul out my crock pot and make some strew!

  4. I had a lot more piles of notes and paperwork on my desk with the older computer. Now I have to keep up.

  5. Thanks for sharing your space with us Annalee.

    I just cleaned my desk off and am thinking of writing. I've always wanted to. I think the thing that stops me is......where does one start??

  6. With writing? At first I thought you meant the desk. For me that can often be more difficult! I'm reading that book On Writing and I'm at the part on where to get started. Basically it sure seems like he is saying, just write. Every day. Things come together after awhile. I am not done yet though.

  7. Your desk is much cleaner than mine, but I have to say when I had visitors coming the other day, I cleaned up my desk. I can see the top at the moment although I don't expect that to last for long.

  8. Shelley, I was just thinking about you. I cleaned out my purse and listed the contents for a contest... I have your business card and good luck charm in my purse! LOL.

  9. Your space is WAAAY neater than mine!! And hey, I spotted a few books I like in your stack!!


  10. I love it how you have your makup WITH your books. A girls gotta look good All the time! *g*

  11. Make-up... yeah, I have a big mirror on the wall behind where computer is. Lighting is natural and I just use it so everything goes in that cabinet! LOL.


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