The Brooks & Dunn concert was great. I am not their biggest fan. I didn’t know which was which until I asked last night. Normally I talk about everything I like on this blog. Well, just to prove I can be contrary, I’ll admit that I don’t like their song "Maria". It’s their signature song! Millions love it. I’m not one of them. I just don’t really like one word lines in songs, so Mareeeeeeeeiiiiiaaaaa… will never inspire me. But I really like their other songs and they’re great performers. The concert was sold out. I haven’t been to a sold out concert here for a long, long time. I went with my brother – it was his birthday – and my folks. It's always fun to see my brother and my father singing along. I love that. My mother and I sing in the car all the time, that is no surprise. I went downtown early because being sold out would make parking an issue so I wandered around mostly walking but I did stop for a break at the Sands. My brother was in there for a drawing, but ...
Internet curator, language enthusiast, independent artist and photographer, and digital nomad.