Looking around and saw Sherrill's post about how Characters Should Have Jobs . It's funny she should bring this up. The past week or so I've had an idea swirling around in my mind about my job and finding a way to make it work for a romance. As you might remember my new day job is debt collection. I got to thinking that I've never read a book where the hero or heroine was a debt collector. In fiction, it is the antagonist that tends to have that position. Really, that makes sense. The job isn't that exciting and tends to irritate more people than it pleases. Then I considered that front line repossession can get interesting. Repo men and bounty hunters show up in fiction all the time, and often for the purpose of debt collection. So I started to think more along the lines of front line debt collection in my story. Since my story is going to be a futuristic, at first I thought I'd have the debt-collecting heroine repossess the hero's star cruiser. But then I ...
Internet curator, language enthusiast, independent artist and photographer, and digital nomad.