Written in Blood: a farewell to the 1990s vampire subgenre by Jessica Amanda Salmonson "And I would be surprised indeed if cheesy vampire erotica, a literature for self-loathing inverts & aging housewives, ever again dominates the bookracks." Can you tell this author doesn't enjoy reading the same things I do? "Genre authors invariably fall into imitating each other, so you always find a lot of them doing the same thing, each thinking him or herself innovative." I'd have to say, that authors who don't think of themselves as innovative aren't in the right profession. Even those authors that are "striving for higher art". Creativity is a huge part of writing, and since all the big ideas have been invented already, we're all stuck with variations on old ideas. That is the nature of being human. Granted, the Wright Brothers had more luck with flying than the first human being that fell off a ...
Internet curator, language enthusiast, independent artist and photographer, and digital nomad.