airplane , originally uploaded by vendmr . Last weekend I was posted the YouTube video about the loop-de-loops in the plane and the ice tea that wouldn't spill and shared a story from my past about a plane that quit right after landing. Well, this week the possiblity of death by plane was certainly the topic of conversation around Reno. So far at the 2007 Reno Air Races there have been three fatal crashes. Yesterday at work the president was concerned and word started passing through the office that the latest accident killed audience members. I always poke fun at cell phone users, but they sure come in handy in an emergency. The lady behind me had family out at the Air Races when she heard that possiblity all she had to do was call her family's cell phone. What a relief for her. From what I understand, the gossip about audience members being killed was nothing more than pre-newscast worry. I found this Three Fatal Crashes in Four Days at Reno Air Show blog post at The Lede p...
Internet curator, language enthusiast, independent artist and photographer, and digital nomad.