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Showing posts from March 31, 2013

When I was in the 7th Grade....

Black wall mounted rotary phone - North Haven Island, Maine , originally uploaded by fsmphoto . Right now on Twitter #BackIn7thGrade and Kurt Cobain are both trending. Made me realize that when I was in the seventh grade, chances are almost certain Kurt Cobain was in the 7th grade too. Here are some other noticeable differences... When I went to the movies, I didn't have to watch five different reminders to turn off my cell phone. I couldn't interrupt others because the family phone had had a rotary dial and it was attached to a wall at home by cords. We actually had to be home to know someone tried to reach us by phone because we didn't have an answering machine. We still got plenty of phone calls though. So many that back then people would do things like go to the movies just so they could get away from the constant ringing of the phone!

Cute Cow iPad Mini Cases by designs4you

Cute Cow iPad Mini Cases by designs4you Browse more Cute iPad Mini Cases at Zazzle Surprise Spring Sale - 15% Off All Products! LAST DAY! Case Savvy iPad Mini Glossy Finish Case

X11 Color Codes

Table with X11 Color Codes COLOR      COLOR NAME COLOR CODE       aliceblue #f0f8ff       antiquewhite #faebd7       aqua #00ffff       aquamarine #7fffd4       azure #f0ffff       beige #f5f5dc       bisque #ffe4c4       black #000000       blanchedalmond #ffebcd       blue #0000ff       blueviolet #8a2be2       brown #a52a2a       burlywood #deb887       cadetblue #5f9ea0       chartreuse #7fff00       chocolate #d2691e       coral #ff7f50  ...

Watermelon Sherbet Mousepad

Watermelon Sherbet Mousepad by designs4you Browse more Watermelon Mousepads at Zazzle Surprise Spring Sale - 15% Off All Products! Use Code: SPRINGSALE15 Ends Tomorrow Solid pink mouse pad that you can add a name or photo to.

Red Tulips Mousepad by Bebops

Red Tulips Mousepad by Bebops Browse Tulip Mousepads online at A pretty red watercolor tulips against black background on a mousepad. Found via The Daily Rainbow .

Surfing Mousepads by Ron's Passion for Design

Surfing 6 Mousepads by Ronspassionfordesign Create a custom mouse mat on zazzle. You'll find several surfing mousepads and designs at Ron's Passion for Design store at

Aqua Blue Polka Dot Throw Pillows

Aqua blue and white polka dot patterns on customizable throw pillows via You can add a text message or change the background color. Updated 9/12/2019 to remove some old links. More gifts with this aqua blue color in a collection at Zazzle. White and Big Aqua Blue Polka Dot Throw Pillow by pillows4you

Kaleiodscope Seamless Tile

Roses Seamless Tile , originally uploaded by AnnaleeBlysse . The iPhone app Kaleidomatic can be used to create kaleidoscope digital art seamless tiles. This sample matches the theme at my Twitter account right now.

Explore Treasure Mode with Google Maps

Explore Treasure Mode with Google Maps Start the hunt: Fun April Fool's Day promotion for Google Maps.

Growth Chart Posters at Zazzle

Featured on the front page at Zazzle are a select group of large (tall) posters that parents can hang on the wall and chart the growth of their children over time. See all growth chart posters at Zazzle . Below is one sample for girls featuring mermaids. Kids Mermaid Growth Chart Print by eventfulcards See other Mermaid Posters

Chibi Joker Shirt T-Shirt of the Week at Zazzle

Chibi Joker Shirt by JusticeLeague Look at Justice league T-Shirts online at For April Fool's Day, this cute Chibi Joker cartoon tee in the Justice League store at Zazzle is the featured T-shirt of the week and has a deep discount. Find a different tee that isn't the special of the week, and it will be 20% off right now.