In this video LingQ founder Steve Kaufman compares language learning to ideas in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey . Setting a goal is so important for learning a new language. With Russian, my goals are pretty typical. I want to learn Russian so I can read Dostoevsky in his native tongue. I want to be able to communicate proficiently when I get the chance to travel in Russia. I want to be able to understand the news, videos, songs and movies without subtitles or text. I don't think of fluency as my end goal, yet at the same time I also don't think in terms of my goal of learning Russian ending. What I mean by that is when I got out of high school, I didn't think in terms of being done learning Spanish. I am not a fluent speaker, but the Spanish language is very much a part of my life. For decades I genuinely enjoy listening to Hispanic music, watching Spanish movies, reading the news in Spanish, or talking with people I run across in their l...