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Showing posts from March 29, 2015

Easy Russian 6 - Russian Sayings

A few Russian sayings people shared on the streets during these interviews... Век живи, век учись. Чужая душа, потемки. Без труда не вытащишь рыбку из пруда. Not easily pull the fish out of the pond . Моя любимая: Тише едешь - дальше будешь. My favorite : Slow and steady wins - on going . У отца была три сына: два умных, а третий я. My father had three sons, two smart , and I'm the third .

The Nat Geo View App: What Will You View Today?

A YouTube video advertisement for Nat Geo View, a brand-new daily app from National Geographic! Every day they will share amazing photos, videos, and stories from around the globe. Check out the app for Apple in the iTunes store.

Classroom vs. Independent Learning

Steve Kaufman at LingQ weighs in on the benefits of independent learning. He has more information on blog post Effective Independent Learning for Life . It kinda boils down to, a lot of language learners choose to go it alone because who can spend $1000 or more each semester learning a language? And, if we can't afford college tuition and book costs, we'll really choke over the price of a good private tutor per hour costs.

How to pronounce Initial Ng in Asian Languages - Stuart Jay Raj

How to pronounce Initial Ng in Asian Languages - Stuart Jay Raj Next to getting the tones right, the initial 'Ng' sound that is found in so many Asian languages proves to be one of the major pronunciation issues for non-Asian learners of 'initial ng' languages. A friend is working on Thai shared this YouTube channel with me because I've been interested in trying to learn a little Tagalog.

Pessimism in a World of Increasing Abundance (Steven Pinker)

Pessimism in a World of Increasing Abundance (Steven Pinker) In this video from the Cato Institute, they bring up the book The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined by Steven Pinker

Steven Pinker: Linguistics as a Window to Understanding the Brain

Steve Pinker, a Professor of Psychology at Harvard University, talks about linguistics and language. You can find the transcript to this video here .   How did humans acquire language? In this lecture, best-selling author Steven Pinker introduces you to linguistics, the evolution of spoken language, and the debate over the existence of an innate universal grammar. He also explores why language is such a fundamental part of social relationships, human biology, and human evolution. Finally, Pinker touches on the wide variety of applications for linguistics, from improving how we teach reading and writing to how we interpret law, politics, and literature. Some notes taken while watching this video.. Charles Darwin wrote, “Man has an instinctive tendency to speak as we see in the babble of our young children while no child has an instinctive tendency to bake, brew or write.”  "Written language" is not the same as "spoken language". Children have no ins...

Become a Polyglot in Minutes Not Years

Video by Anthony Lauder talks about the 10,000 hour rule about how practice makes perfect for mastering a language. The good news is Pareto Principle that you can get 80% of the way there with 20% of the effort. 2000 hours is most of the way to proficiency.

Android: Friends Furever

You don’t have to be a cute animal to show the world how to “Be Together. Not the Same.” But it definitely helps. Find out more about Android at: . Cute TV commercial from Android about animal pals that is popular online and off.

Обезьянки из космоса (Alien Monkeys) - Офис (20 серия)

Мировые гастроли Обезьянок из космоса! Сегодня наши космические музыканты оказались в офисе и превратились в настоящих менеджеров! World tour monkeys from outer space! Today our space musicians were in the office and turned into a real managers !

Share-a-Fact on the Official Wikipedia Android App

Share-a-Fact on the Official Wikipedia Android App Select text and the app will create an automatic meme using the top image in article for wider sharing.

16x9 - Word Play: Hyperpolyglots speak so many languages

Interesting news story where the host interviews some scientists and hyperpolyglots about language acquisition. One answer ... language acquisition is about figuring out patterns. One of the author Michael Erard with short interview in the episode wrote Babel No More: The Search for the World's Most Extraordinary Language Learners .

Mapping the Mouth and IPA - A Secret Weapon When Learning a New Language...

Mapping the Mouth and IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) - A Secret Weapon When Learning a New Language by Stuart Jay Raj. A short video about vowel position in mouth talking about treating sounds as larger than any one language.

Stu Jay Raj - Polyglot Speaks over 15 Languages

A series of five videos showing an interview with Stu Jay Raj, a polyglot speaks around 23 languages to some degree or another. Stu Jay Raj - Polyglot Speaks over 15 Languages on Joh Jai Part 2 - Stuart Jay Raj - Multilingual Interpreting Part 3 - Stu Jay Raj -Poly Glot - Dreaming Dictionaries In this one he talks about learning 3000-5000 words in the first week! Part 4 - Stu Jay Raj - Thinking in Meanings Part 5 - Stu Jay Raj - Hearing in Colours In this final part of Joh Jai's interview with Stu Jay Raj, we hear how he hears in colours and shapes. From sounds in language to perfect pitch, Stujay believes that everyone has an 'X-Factor' when it comes to learning. It's up to each individual to find their own 'X-Factor' and build the right environment around...

Colors in Russian - Colours in Russian

A Russian language video sharing color adjectives and also how a few examples for matching noun gender with and adjective endings. Оранжевый - orange Жёлтый - yellow Зелёный - green Голубой - light blue Синий - blue Фиолетовый - violet Розовый - pink Красный - red Коричневый - brown Серый - gray Чёрный - black Белый - white

Parts of the body in Russian - Learn Russian with us!

A Russian language video lesson with labeled cartoon with the spelling and pronunciation of words for parts of the body. Тело - body Голова - head Шея - neck Плечо - shoulder Рука - hand, arm Запястье - wrist Локоть - elbow Спина - back Талия - waist Нога - leg Колена - knee Ступня - foot Палец Ноги - toes Палец - fingers Голова - head Лицо - face Волосы -hair Лоб - forehead Бровь - eyebrow Глаз - eye Нос - nose Ухо - ear Уши - ears Рот - mouth Губы - lips Зубы - teeth Язык - tongue Подбородок - chin Щека - cheek

Nat King Cole singing a beautiful Filipino love song "Dahil Sa'yo"

Nat King Cole singing a beautiful Filipino love song "Dahil Sa'yo". "Dahil sa'yo" means "Because of You".

The days of the week in Russian - Learn Russian with us!

In this Russian language video lesson you will learn how to say the days of the week, as well as today, tomorrow and yesterday. They'll also share how to say "on Monday", "on Tuesday", etc. Понедельник - Monday Вторник - Tuesday Среда - Wednesday Четверг - Thursday Пятница - Friday Суббота - Saturday Воскресенье - Sunday День - Day Дни - Days Неделя - Week Недели - Weeks Дни Недели - Days of the Week Вчера - Yesterday Сегодня - Today Завтра - Tomorrow

The months of the year in Russian - Learn Russian with us!

A Russian language video that shares how to say the names of the months of the year in Russian. Then they share how to pronounce the months with the preposition "в" or "in", so that you can use the expressions "в Январь" or "in January", etc. Январь Февраль Март Апрель Май Июнь Июль Август Сентябрь Октябрь Ноябрь Декабрь

Learn Tagalog-English (Taglis) Words & Phrases!!!

Video with pronunciation for basic Tagalog words and phrases: Magandang Umaga Good morning Kamusta Po? How are you? Maraming Salamat Thank you Masarap Delicious Masipag Hardworking Masaya Happy Kaibigan Friend Bulaklak Flower Tahanan Home

Installation of "Learning With Texts" on Microsoft Windows

I haven't tackled figuring out how to install this program yet. But I wanted to save this video as a possible language learning tool ... LWT - Learning With Texts - Installation on MS Windows. Open source code similiar to LingQ.

The Korean 한글 Han-gul Indian Connection and My Personal Language Learning Operating System

The Korean 한글 Han-gul Indian Connection and My Personal Language Learning Operating System "I developed my Indic Consonant Map as a blue-print for sound shifts and scripts across many languages and I have developed teaching strategies based on these principles, using my own intellectual property 'Stuart Jay Raj Speech Glyphs' - many of which resemble Korean fundamental sound shapes." A fascinating video that shares some information about how sounds in languages have patterns to watch for. His charts about the relationship between Sanskrit and Asian languages are very interesting.

Dative Case in Russian: Я мешаю носу дышать

A demonstrative video sharing four simple sentences using the dative case of nouns in Russian. You can find the text here . Here is the verb мешать on a great site with some Russian verb conjugation along with accompanying sound files. There aren't any rules for usage of the dative case or this verb in the video. The video is just a little girl saying example dative case sentences: "I do not let my eyes see. I do not let my nose breath. I do not let my ears hear. I do not let my mouth speak." This lesson at RussianWikiTranslate provides a transcript.

Accusative Case in Russian: Посмотрите на меня

This short video lesson demonstrates the accusative case of nouns in a few simple sentences. One example is the little girl Maya points out a snowman and says .. "this is a snowman" versus "look at the snowman". This video provides dialogue text showing the different endings as examples. This video does not contain rules on using the accusative case for nouns in Russian. This video is short and sweet and good at reminding people new to the Russian language, that if little kids can figure it out how to use the cases ... so can we! (Though, it sure would be helpful to have more contact with the language.) This lesson at RussianWikiTranslate provides transcripts.

Что это? ↔ What is it?

A demonstrative RussianWikiTranslate video with a dialogue that practices how to form the question in Russian ... "What is it?". The dialogue is simple, focusing mainly on items and food found in your average kitchen. The video is most helpful because they hold up and point out the vocabulary words. You can find the dialogue text here: Что это? ↔ What is it? . Some of the questions you'll hear repeatedly for practice. Что это? А это что? Это что такое? А это что такое?

Кто это? ↔ Who is it?

A RussianWikiTranslate demonstrative video with simple dialogue focusing on how to ask "Who is it?" in Russian. She throws in a few "What is it?" questions to demonstrate the difference. It's a helpful video because the words in this dialogue are easy to understand. The text of the dialogue is available Who is it? ↔ Кто это? .

Visit the country to learn the language?

Steve Kaufman of LingQ shares his opinion on traveling to learn a language, and using travel phrasebooks . He's a man that speaks many languages, and yet despite studying a phrase book for Vietnamese, he was only able to use a few words during his trip. On his trip, he spent some time in South Korea. He has studied Korean extensively. In this video he also mentions that studying for six or more months was needed before he could have any meaningful communication. He mentioned that despite his past studies, it took a few days before he got into the swing of speaking the language.

Russian 101 - Common Words & Phrases - Level One

This video by The Travel Linguist channel on YouTube is more for travelers. Though, people learning the language can find the repetition helpful. It also is useful that the native speakers are both a man and a woman. Я не говорю по-русски. I don't speak Russian. This is my clue that this video is for a tourist in Russia that wants to be able to express a few key ideas. Anyone interested in learning the language would start with "I speak a little Russian". They do cover that phrase in this video too. Я немного говорю по-русски. Вы говорите по-английски? I speak a little Russian. Do you speak English? Я не понимаю. Вы говорите по-английски? I don't understand. Do you speak English? Извините. Excuse me. Пожалуйста, повторите. Please repeat. Please try again. Откуда, вы? Where are you from? This whole video is helpful for seeing the facial and lip positions while speaking. But this phrase is particularly helpful. Откуда, вы? starts  at 2:25. Being a fairly typical A...

Learn Russian: Common Words

A video to help yearn some common Russian words and simple phrases. Repetition is helpful, so you might find some of the other videos with the same labels on this blog helpful. Below are a few examples I saved because I find it helpful to type (or write) the words I'm listening to. Здравствуйте, как вы? Hello, how are you? (formal) Привет, как ты? Hello, how are you? (informal) Всё хорошо, спасибо. All is good, thank you. Everything okay, thanks. Приятно познакомиться. It's nice to meet you. Вы хотите чая? Do you want some tea? (Starting at about 7:18, she spends a little time talking about how to ask a question in Russian by changing the intonation.) Увидимся. See you. Всего доброго. All the best. Take care.