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Showing posts from May 15, 2016

Italian Flag Colors Monogram Round Compact Mirror

Italian Flag Colors Monogram Round Compact Mirror - The colors of Italy's flag with a customizable monogram design to create your own compact. You can move the outside letters if your last name starts with a M or W. You can also erase the first and last letters if you want a one letter monogram. Italian Flag Colors Monogram Compact Mirror by annaleeblysse Look at more Makeup Mirrors at Zazzle

Yes, the World is Getting Better. Here's Why.

Are you an optimist or pessimist regarding the future? Reason TV sets out to cheer up doomsayers in Venice Beach, armed with evidence of positive trends across the globe.

Foreign Lanuage Study Sequences Part 4: Glossika

A video from Olly Richards sharing how he uses Glossika Mass Sentences to learn a foreign language. I listen to Glossika myself and find the sentences very helpful.

Enhance your Zazzle profits with this little trick by

This video is old so the pages in Zazzle's system will look different. Zazzle has also changed their rounding formula for calculating royalties since this video was created, through playing with the percentage points in the advanced royalty calculator may still work. This video still has useful tips for increasing the royalty with minimal increase to the price of the product. Want to earn more on nearly every Zazzle sale? Use this royalty setting trick! Optimize your royalty strategy to maximize your profits. Screencast by Debra from where you can find more Zazzle and WordPress website tips. Interested in personalized notebooks? Check out