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Showing posts from November 6, 2005

Can Learn Something Every Day

And apparently from Kim Cattrall. I saw a couple of her books Sexual Intelligence and Satisfaction: The Art of the Female Orgasm (which she wrote with her husband) at work last night. Can you read a book by its cover? If so, then this book is selling Kim Cattrall. Despite the marketing package, the author probably has something very interesting to say. I just couldn't help but think if her great passion had been raising a healthy Doberman Pincher, she may have had a more difficult time finding a publisher who'd have thought they could make money... that is unless they'd figured out some way to have her naked on the cover.

Amazonian Warrior in Training

I’m still in the adjustment phase of my new temporary job at It’s physical and I’ve been writing a lot and exercising much less than I should, so my body is protesting. Also, it’s a night shift, so I need to learn to sleep longer in the daytime. Things like that. Everyone is in the same boat. There were 100 new employees this week, so it is really, really easy to find people who are tired and cranky. In fact, it’s easier to find cranky people than friendly people. Some of us aspire to keep a good attitude so we last though. After all, it’s a paycheck even if it’s hard work. Might as well have fun while earning the money. My brother is working out there too, but in a different department. One of his coworkers made a small error with these Darth Vader toys. It's a long story what that error was, but suffice it to say, to fix the problem she had to walk a 1/4 mile to the help desk. She sighed, and bemoaned the fact as even cheerful people would 8 hours into a 10-hour shif...