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Showing posts from December 18, 2005

Sometimes a Sleeping Dragon. . .

Sometimes a Sleeping Dragon. . . Betty S. has put a lot of work into listing different research links on a variety of topics. Just found her blog, so not sure how often. Mystery & Suspense links for the romance writer. Writer's Research Sources . Words & Grammar .

A little Santa Humour

More surfing blogs found me this link... Vanessa Jaye's: A little Santa Humour . These musical Santa pics are from a Norwegian website I found a few years back. One year I was taking Conversational Norwegian, unfortunately I don't know any Norwegian speakers that I can speak to daily so I've retained very little. But I do listen to Norwegian music. More specifically I listen to Sissel Kyrkjebo .

Smack a Penguin

If you want to go see this time-filling Internet game, check it out from Vanessa's blog because she posted one of those cute penguin pics that amuses. What is it with penguins?

30-Second Bunnies

I'm still surfing today (thus the different posts). I found a post on Southern Gal Goes North Darth Vader with a Bunny Tail that let me know the bunnies' 30-second version of Star Wars was finally released. I appreciated that Princess Leia's ears were tied up in a "bun". Ah, ha. Along these lines, and a little more in line with the holiday seasons... You can watch the 30-Second reinactment of The Christmas Story here.

Ghost Movies

I found these movies mentioned on AmandaMagick's blog . I'm not sure if I think they're real because they look edited. But it's still interesting.

Letter to Santa

I saw this one going around loops today. Fill in the fields and write an adult letter to Santa .

What Color is Your Soul?

What Color is Your Soul? {8 results + artsitic pics} brought to you by Quizilla Your Soul is Grey - Maverick, pariah, twisted. Well arn't you just the unique one? People have a hard time understanding you in general, and you don't understand them. Your strangness has set you apart, and made you a loner. But have no fear, there is so much beaty in individuality! Embrace your insanity, and be known for it. Don't change, there are those who will love you for who you really are. 2596 other people got this result! This quiz has been taken 12360 times. 21% of people had this result. Swipped from Beth . I really am kind of lazy, and the quiz suggests reading each response prior to answering! I sort of tried after I read that part. Skimming would be more accurate though. Do you think that makes it accurate? LOL. I like the purple color better. I want to wear purple when I'm an old woman.

My Auxilliary Brain?

Apparently Googlie is my auxilliary brain, or so says this post . Actually, I don't agree. Not at all! As you'll note, I typed Googlie instead of Google. This has nothing to do with my inability to spell. It's my inability to type that caused that. And I think that is why when I actually typed in a browser window I pulled up... can you guess? Did you try it? Yes, Google has purchased that domain name and is forwarding traffic to their main website. I think that is a sign they know that people can't type. Most of my spelling errors are typing related. There just aren't any new words that I can't spell. The words I make mistakes on now are the same ones I made mistakes on three decades ago in grade school. My grade school education is like the hardware in my spelling programs in my brain. I've gone through and tried to change the software and most days I can override the hardware. But, on days that I'm tired or stressed or typing po...

What's Your Slush Pile?

I found this post... Bernadette Gardner: The Slush Pile of Life It got me thinking of what my slush pile is. I have a pile of manuscripts waiting in unfinished files on my computer's harddrive. I've had the second book that comes after Starlit Destiny "done" for quite awhile, but I get distracted fairly easily on other projects. Well, I also get distracted over tackling the editing process because I still find it difficult to cut scenes I love but don't necessarily move the story forward. Last month and earlier this I was just plain-old distracted sleeping as often as possible when I was working long hours. Anyway, did I open the files yesterday and work on that story? No. What was I doing? Working on the wireless router and adapter again! That's a long story. I have even more ideas for manuscripts sitting in unfinished piles in my head. I see some of the epublished authors who are so prolific, but I just can't get all the ideas out fast enough. I have a...

Fun Contest

I found a contest for a free book at the eCataromance Sensual forum (it is for adults). If you like playing 20 Questions maybe you'd be the one to get the answer. Maybe I will too! LOL. I don't know what the prize is because that's the person who guesses the name is the person that wins it.

Winners of Bloggin' Contest

I have the results of my bloggin' contest. I drew names from a bowl and here are the results. Thanks to everyone else for participating! Leann - won the flower pin LadyVampire2U - won the cat pin Silma - won the download of Lord of the Night , which will be coming soon.