Let's just say that I didn't enjoy the movie Ultraviolet . The only quality I liked was the heroine's hair color changes, so I don't think they did it enough. But I'd have to because I have a heroine that can change her hair color too. [ShallaMai, secondary in Starlit Destiny and the heroine in the follow-up that is a WIP.] The vampires had fangs, yet not the need or desire to suck blood. Call me silly, but isn’t that one of the cardinal rules of vampiredom? Their vampires were mortal. They went to great lengths to show that Ultraviolent wasn’t immortal. [A double negative. :)] The ending scenes screwed that up for them though. In futuristic and paranormals people are willing to have “the rules“ bent ... but not within the same story. The whole light-sensitivity issue was another thing they played with to fit the scene. The heroine wasn’t light-sensitive, so she couldn’t see in the dark. Yet there were other characters that weren’t light-sensitive that could see in...