Dude Ranch Profile Card Business Card Template When it comes to creating business cards, I've seen warnings about using real names and info. They say that that Lorem Ipsom (I might have spelled that non-word name wrong, because it isn't meant to mean anything so it is tough to memorize). They say that using the non-words for text is the best route. "They" being ... people who know more than I. But, I tend to sell this lovely cowboy business card often despite the fictional character on the face of it. The name and address information on this business card template for a dude ranch or boarding stables is based on a fictional character I created for a romance novel, and there is no similiarty to any actual living cowboy intended. The image is a silhouette of cowboy on horse with a horse-drawn wagon at dusk in Kansas, and the photo is courtesy of National Scenic Byways Online and Jon Hardesty at Kansas Travel and Tourism. It is a public domain image and very lovel...