Karen tagged me! Fun one. current clothing: navy blue sweat pants, light blue T current hair: brown, pretty long current mood: happy current refreshment: Plain old water! current annoyance: I saw a 3-legged dog yesterday wandering around free and I was recently talking to someone who cried that her dog was actually killed when run over. My annoyance is with irresponsible pet owners. This is a city! There’s traffic. If you want your dog to live, keep it tied up in your yard. current avoidance: dusting the cobwebs (I just found them yesterday and so far I just forgot) current smell: floral smells current thing you ought to be doing: I’ve got a deadline looming for a novella! current thing or things on your wall: A sacred heart cross (Catholic), feather (native), two mirrors, a few cobwebs current IM/person you're talking to: I saw one person on there, but I’m doing pretty good at just this "one" post and I’m going to work this afternoon. current jewelry: none current book:...
Internet curator, language enthusiast, independent artist and photographer, and digital nomad.