I have used by blog to read a public domain reader, reordering the book for my own purposes so that the different reading sections and questions will be together. I've used the label ... A First Spanish Reader by Roessler and Remy. A FIRST SPANISH READER WITH QUESTIONS AND VOCABULARY BY ERWIN W. ROESSLER, PH.D. =CHAIRMAN OF THE MODERN LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT HIGH SCHOOL OF COMMERCE, NEW YORK, N.Y. = AND ALFRED REMY, A.M. HIGH SCHOOL OF COMMERCE, NEW YORK, N.Y. _Pen Drawings by CLARENCE ROWS_ AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY NEW YORK CINCINNATI CHICAGO This Reader is the outgrowth of a desire for a textbook that combines simplicity with variety. To make it available for use almost at the very beginning of the Spanish course only the present tense has been employed in the first twenty-three selections and difficult constructions have been consistently avoided. With one or two exceptions, many changes have been made in the selections taken from Spanish authors in ...
Internet curator, language enthusiast, independent artist and photographer, and digital nomad.