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Showing posts from February 26, 2006

Fresh Voices - Fresh Choices For Readers

This coming week is Read An E-Book Week (March 5-11th, 2006). It was created four years ago as a way to promote the new industry and share with readers the advantages of electronic books. Here's why I read eBooks... #1 - Instantaneous satisfaction! When I want a book I can go to a Web site, buy it, and be reading within a few minutes. I really don't like driving across town to discover the bookstore doesn't have what I want. Electronic books provide immediate gratification for readers. #2 - This years' theme "Fresh Voices - Fresh Choices For Readers" exemplifies what I find true of the epublishing industry. I enjoy the dedication to books and creativity that I find in small publishers like New Concepts Publishing where my own books are published. From talking with other authors published by other ePubs, I think they'd say the same thing. If the entire publishing industry was had those ideals I wouldn't see so many Harry Potter spin-offs when I walk th...

Any Minute Now

My brother and sister-in-law should be here at any time. They flew into Portland on the red-eye from Anchorage, and called from Salem area around 8:00 a.m. It's probably just over 500 miles I think. It's might be bum roads though. It snowed last night and melted all day but there are mountains between here and there. Long drive after sleeping on an airplaine all night. I always talk them into going to see movies when they visit. It's Ultraviolet that I want to go to. My brother isn't exactly keen on Milla Jovovich movies. I personally liked the The Fifth Element -- which I probably saw with them. Anyway, I tend to watch these kinds of movies because that is my favorite genre. I write stories set in the future and create genetically modified humans for my stories. Maybe someday Milla Jovovich can play in one of my movies. Of course, haven't written a screen play yet. That would help. Speaking of movies.... I was watching an old Oscar-nominated movie from 1957 called...

Mixed Rain & Snow & News

I saw Sparks on the national news. We've been having a lot of rain and some snow. I guess the Truckee River was "this close" to flood stage. I didn't go to the downtown area, and out on my end of Reno the river I'm in the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas so flooding isn't a huge problem. Here I am talking about the weather... Had two bad phone calls this weekend, and worried about family. My uncle is in ICU and getting worse, not better. Makes it tough to be in another state. There was good news with the phone calls... just a few more days and my brother will be visiting for almost a week. Still not sure if I'm going to drive down to Vegas with them. I've applied for a new position and have a sneaking suspicion I'll be interviewed then. Can't really go off playing when something like that comes up. My other brother stopped by yesterday and I gave him a crew cut. I had these GI Jane flashed images running through my mind. I haven't done much ...