Michele tagged with with this one. I told her it would give me something to do if the rains stopped the fireworks tonight and sure enough the Truckee River flooded in downtown Reno and the fireworks are being held off until tomorrow! There is a huge mudslide on I-80 too that will take a few days to clean up. Seven Things to Do Before I Die: #1 Ride in a hot air balloon is something I’d like to do as well. #2 I want to visit all of the continents. #3 Buy one of my own books at Wal-Mart (keep going with writing). #4 Win a mega jackpot and/or the lottery. Either would suit my retirement goals. Problem is I never play those big machines or buy lottery tickets. #5 Own a clipper ship (#4 would help), or at least go sailing on an old-fashioned sailing vessel. #6 Have a meaningful relationship with a studly Viking. #7 Paint. Another way to express creativity. Seven Things I Cannot Do: #1 Cut my own hair effectively. #2 Read fast enough to keep up with what I want to read. #3 Find the CD for...
Internet curator, language enthusiast, independent artist and photographer, and digital nomad.