I was recently tagged by meeyauw with the Eight Random Facts About Me meme. I had this one before too ( I've Been Tagged ) so I worked up a sweat thinking of eight more random facts and finding something on YouTube that goes with them. Sort of. 1. I have a degree in Elementary Education but I've allowed my teaching license to lapse and moved on toward office work. (The first few seconds of this one are relevant. LOL.) I had education-oriented positions up until my latest job.... 2. I'm a debt collector. Not too many people say "wow, isn't that cool" when I tell them. Especially not those people that are themselves getting collection calls. And, since there are more people that are in debt than there are those of us that collect debt.... 3. I still haven't had my hair cut since the last time I did this meme , but I was thinking about it because my sister-in-law and brother (the ones married in the chapel picture in this week's Photo Hunters ) are comin...