Bands and musicians can personalize these customizable guitar cases via Zazzle with your own logo or custom design. In each sample below, you can change the hot pink background to create whatever effect you want. For instance, choose a bright color to contrast with the black chevron pattern. Create Your Own Black Chevron Guitar Case by cliffviewgraphics Almost any color code will look great in a seamless tile with this white seamless tile pattern. Create Your Own White Chevron Guitar Case by cliffviewgraphics Here the monotone zigzag pattern creates a two-tone pattern. No matter what color you choose for the background... your pattern will have two shades. Create Your Own Chevron Guitar Case by cliffviewgraphics Create your own online store and sell custom guitar case. I've had an online store at Zazzle for many years and find it a great way to earn some extra money. You can try different patterns, or create templates with monograms or personalize...
Internet curator, language enthusiast, independent artist and photographer, and digital nomad.