From Russian melancholy? The other day I was trying to learn some adjectives in Russian, and noticed that there seemed to be more Russian words for sad (9) than for happy (4), at least in one dictionary I checked ( ). This might be a coincidence as in other dictionaries are more words for happy than for sad. In fact, combining the words together gives us nine words for happy and ten for sad. Words for happy include: – счастливый = happy (also: fortunate, lucky, providential, blessed) – весёлый = happy (also: gay, cheery, fun, hilarious) – довольный = happy (also: glad, pleased, amused, content) – удачный = happy (also: successful, felicitous, chancy, fortunate) – благополучный = happy (also: safe, trouble-free) – ликующий = happy (also: jubilant, exultant, gleeful, elate, cookahoop, triumphant) – радостный = happy (also: jolly, joyful, joyous glad, merry, cheery, high, gleeful, frabjous) – удачливый = happy (also: lucky, successful, prosperous, fluky) – улыбч...
Internet curator, language enthusiast, independent artist and photographer, and digital nomad.