Let Me Show You How Self-Publishing Works - #2 - You Need Imagery Author Christina C. Jones' second installment of six talking about how self-publishing works for her. I found her channel because she has vlogged about how Kindle Unlimited works. I really wish a fantastic author that I knows could find her channel. My best friend from youth that is absolutely a fantastic science fiction author, and she's also a amazing editor. But, she isn't living the creative life because she's afraid of the work that goes into becoming self-published. She's afraid of the time that goes into blogging and promoting herself as an author. She's afraid to pay someone to create covers. She's even afraid to hire out as an editor on a site like Fiverr (though I swear she is amazing). If I shared these videos with her, I'm not sure she'd even watch them. Every time I tell her about my experience working for myself, she says something like... we'll we can't all m...