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Showing posts from January 24, 2021

FUR BRUSH Photoshop Tutorial - Basic Fur

How to create a fur brush from a legacy brush by PrettyWebz Media. "In this fur brush Photoshop tutorial, I'll show you how to make a basic fur brush in Photoshop using only the default assets you already have with the program." "Use this brush to create tons of different styles of fur just by modifying color options and slight texture changes." Fur brushes for Photoshop.

How Much Money Have I Made Writing Self Published Books?

#authortube How Much Money Have I Made Writing Self Published Books? Author Sarra Cannon on her Heart Breathings YouTube channel talks about how much money she's earned as a self-published YA author. Her main series is The Shadow Demons Saga . (The affiliate link leads to the first book in that series.)

How is power divided in the United States government? - Belinda Stutzman

How is power divided in the United States government? - Belinda Stutzman My husband and I have been wanting to learn about the questions in the 2020 version of the Civics Test  required to become a naturalized citizen in the USA. We had decided it would be a little more interesting to watch some videos on YouTube about the different topics covered on the Civics Test rather than trying to memorize the questions and answers by rote. This TED Ed video has interesting information that coincide with quite a few questions on the Civics test. We both find it helpful to learn the information required more naturally.  It is one of the TED Ed videos with subtitles in many languages to help immigrants from around the world understand the English words more fully. Using the tag below for 2020 civics test practice... you can find some more that we have found. We are in no way "professionals" in this realm. We're simply sharing videos from reliable sources such as TED Ed that have some...

2021 Official USCIS 128 Civics Questions and SIMPLE Answers Repeat 2X

2021 Official USCIS 128 Civics Questions and SIMPLE Answers Repeat 2X  from the YouTube channel. "In this video, we will help you to review the new 128 Civics Questions for the US Citizenship Interview. We will provide you the simplest answers for each question and we will repeat them twice."

Let Me Show You How Self Publishing Works #3 - Marketing!

#authortips #selfpublishing #indieauthor Let Me Show You How Self Publishing Works #3 - Marketing! Indie author Christina C. Jones' third video about how she's gone about self-publishing romance books.  This video talks about marketing mostly from an author's point of view. But, I think there are a few points other creatives can be motivated by. In her description she links to other related videos.

Let Me Show You How Self-Publishing Works - #2 - You Need Imagery

Let Me Show You How Self-Publishing Works - #2 - You Need Imagery Author Christina C. Jones' second installment of six talking about how self-publishing works for her.  I found her channel because she has vlogged about how Kindle Unlimited works.  I really wish a fantastic author that I knows could find her channel.  My best friend from youth that is absolutely a fantastic science fiction author, and she's also a amazing editor.  But, she isn't living the creative life because she's afraid of the work that goes into becoming self-published. She's afraid of the time that goes into blogging and promoting herself as an author. She's afraid to pay someone to create covers. She's even afraid to hire out as an editor on a site like Fiverr (though I swear she is amazing). If I shared these videos with her, I'm not sure she'd even watch them. Every time I tell her about my experience working for myself, she says something like... we'll we can't all m...

Let Me Show You How Self Publishing Works #1 - Finish The Book

Let Me Show You How Self Publishing Works  #1 - Finish The Book The first in a series of six videos in which author Christina C. Jones talks about self-publishing. Finishing the book! Yes! I have so many projects sitting unfinished.  I can see from her catalog at Amazon that she has over 60 books since her first book published in 2013. I found her channel because she's also talked about using the Kindle Unlimited program. (I'm a KU reader... I'll definitely try this indie author.)

12 INCOME STREAMS for Authors | Different types of passive income streams writers can look into!

In this video self-published author Bethany Atazadeh shares 15 total examples of income streams for writers and the 12 author income streams that she had in 2020, as well as why she loves passive income. A few examples of her multiple streams of income are the actual books, merch, and adsense from her YouTube videos, etc...