[Abraham Lincoln, Congressman-elect from Illinois. Three-quarter length portrait, seated, facing front] (LOC) , originally uploaded by The Library of Congress . A Daguerreotype photo of Abraham Lincom as a young man found via the Flickr blog Daguerreotype anniversary: Invention of photography . Via Flickr: Shepherd, Nicholas H., photographer. [Abraham Lincoln, Congressman-elect from Illinois. Three-quarter length portrait, seated, facing front] [Springfield, Ill., 1846 or 1847] 1 photograph : quarter plate daguerreotype ; plate 4 1/4 x 3 1/4 in. Notes: This daguerreotype is the earliest-known photograph of Abraham Lincoln, taken at age 37 when he was a frontier lawyer in Springfield and Congressman-elect from Illinois. (Source: Ostendorf, p. 4) Attributed to Nicholas H. Shepherd, based on the recollections of Gibson W. Harris, a law student in Lincoln's office from 1845 to 1847. (Source: Gibson William Harris, "My Recollections of Abraham Lincoln," Women's Home Comp...