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Showing posts from January 19, 2020

Creativation '20: GRAPHIC 45 Project Displays

Lolly Palooza goes through the amazing displays of the GRAPHIC 45 Booth at this year's Creativation expo (January 16-20) at the Phoenix Convention Center. I see some sets like their farmhouse set are only available for preorder via shops on Etsy.

"Америка. Большое путешествие" - серия 3 - Уткиагвик (Барроу)

"Уткиагвик (Барроу) – самый северный населенный пункт США. Большинство местных жителей – эскимосы-инупиаты, которые продолжают охотиться на китов и пытаются найти баланс между тысячелетними традициями и переменами, пришедшими вместе с доходами от добычи нефти и газа на их земле." Utqiagvik (Barrow) – northernmost settlement of the United States. Most of the local residents are Inupiat Eskimos who continue to hunt whales and try to find a balance between millennial traditions and the changes that came with the income from oil and gas production on their land.

Вторая жизнь магазина русской книги в Сан-Франциско

A video sharing some information about a Russian bookstore Globus Books in San Francisco, California. Старейший магазин русской книги “Глобус” в Сан-Франциско заново открылся. They've got books in English, Russian, Ukrainian, etc... Their website:

Epoxy Crystal Ball | Masherisha

On Facebook today, I saw some people talking about how difficult it is to learn Russian. I didn't jump in and say... no... nooo! It's not difficult! Why didn't I find learning Russian difficult? One reason is that because after a few months of the basics, I jumped right into finding channels like Masherisha's crafting channel. I started to watch videos like this tutorial on how to create epoxy shakeable crystal balls that has accurate subtitles. I'd watch the videos and save words and phrases at my account at LingQ. These days, it's really easy to important the text from YouTube videos to a lesson at LingQ. When a video had words and phrases that are more relevant to my person life, those I tend to write down in my GoldList Method notebook. The truth is... I'm kind of a lazy GoldList Method user. If I'd discovered it early on in learning Russian, I think it would save saved me a lot of time. But, these days, I have a large vocabulary. I just ...

Creativation '20: StyleTech Craft Printable Glitter Vinyl

A short video featuring some printable glitter vinyl. Lovely! A video from Lolly Palooza from this year's Creativation convention going on right now (January 16-20) at the Phoenix Convention Center.