The Little Engine That Could: Original Classic Edition by Watty Piper inspired a US-made toy I saw featured in an article I found on-line after I heard on the news that there are only ten US toy companies left. Even if there weren't safety issues involved to purchasing toys made in China, I figure buying "local" means saving the environment. China's air quality continues to hit the news. Today's International Herald Tribune headlines that Taiwan's environment minister says Chinese pollution ruining air quality on Taiwan . It seems as if China is working on the pollution issue, but not quickly enough. There is also the increased transporation factor. Even though big boats only burn about a barrel an hour, a barrel an hour for two+ weeks multiplied by ship after ship after ship burns oil that isn't needed. There is another option. Buy local products. Little Engine That Could - Wooden Train Set Product Description It's the train that's kept rolling s...
Internet curator, language enthusiast, independent artist and photographer, and digital nomad.