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Showing posts from February 1, 2015

Chinese Basics - Video Pinyin Explained

Website: A video explaining pinyin and individual sounds or pronunciations in Mandarin Chinese. I spent some time on this one today, working a bit on some reproducing some of the sounds that aren't native to English.

Hello in Mandarin Chinese

你好 Nǐ hǎo  Hello! "Learn how to say "hello" in Mandarin Chinese in this online language lesson from Howcast."

50 United States in Russian

A list of the US States in Russian. Important to note that the names are alphabetical order for the Latin and not Cyrillic alphabet . P lace names like the United States are words that are easy to read in Russian for new learners . Google Translate probably not entirely accurate on every word, so I'd suggest checking Forvo for Russian pronunciations. You can find them in a list here . Алабама Аляска Аризона Арканзас Калифорния Колорадо Коннектикут Делавэр Флорида Джорджия Гавайи Айдахо Иллинойс Индиана Айова Канзас Кентукки Луизиана Мэн Мэриленд Массачусетс Мичиган Миннесота Миссисипи Миссури Монтана Небраска Невада Нью-Гемпшир Нью-Джерси Нью-Мексико Нью-Йорк Северная Каролина Северная Дакота Огайо Оклахома Орегон Пенсильвания Род-Айленд Южная Каролина Южная Дакота Теннесси Техас Юта Вермонт Виргиния Вашингтон Западная Виргиния Висконсин

How to Pronounce UK Place Names - Anglophenia Ep 23

"Anglophenia's Siobhan Thompson teaches Science Friction's Rusty Ward—and the rest of America—how to pronounce difficult British place names." Post with a list of place names via BBC America blog How To Pronounce Deliberately Off-putting British Place Names . I got Ely right as we have an Ely, Nevada. Redding, California changed the spelling.

WATCH: One Woman, 17 British Accents

Siobhan Thompson on the Anglophenia YouTube series performing 17 regional accents of Great Britain pointing out celebrities that speak them. At the very least, she'll teach you how to pronounce Siobhan. Seems there are other videos in the series that people that speak English and love the UK, or people learning English will find amusing. English language in England (More extensive list via Wikipedia for further investigation.) Northern (In the northeast, local speech is akin to Scots ) Cheshire Cumbrian ( Cumbria including Barrovian in Barrow-in-Furness ) Geordie ( Tyneside ) Lancastrian ( Lancashire ) Mackem ( Sunderland ) Mancunian ( Manchester ) Northumbrian (rural Northumberland ) Pitmatic ( Durham and Northumberland ) Scouse ( Liverpool ) Smoggie ( Teesside ) Yorkshire (also known as Broad Yorkshire ) East Midlands West Midlands Black Country Brummie ( Birmingham ) Potteries (north Staffordshire ) Telford (east Shropshire ) East An...