Arctic permafrost leaking methane (=powerful greenhouse gas)@ record levels. Rapidly rising Arctic temperature 2 blame This has to be one most aggravating articles I've ever read with regards to global warming... "Such Arctic soils currently lock away billions of tonnes of methane, a far more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, leading some scientists to describe melting permafrost as a ticking time bomb that could overwhelm efforts to tackle climate change." Now wait a second ... isn't it the evil US gas-guzzling SUV owners that are the problem? First of all, you have should know a little background info on what the Arctic really is. It isn't all about cute little penguins (that is sarcasm because another news outfit out of the UK reported on Arctic penguins just late last year so I haven't found that UK reporters can be relied on anymore than the US media). The "Arctic" is places like Barrow, Alask...
Internet curator, language enthusiast, independent artist and photographer, and digital nomad.