Some fun new digital art ~ Ripples In The Wonder Of Echoes S-SepiaCR Mousepad by Xzendor7 from . Reminds me of the kind of artwork you'd find on a thriller novel. The woman's looking back because some monster coming up from a spooky pond is chasing her. Something like that. My sort of WIP (that I work on from time to time so it really isn't a work in progress) involves a kushtaka. Ripples In The Wonder Of Echoes S-SepiaCR by Xzendor7 View other Rippled path Mousepads From Wikipedia: Kushtaka are mythical creatures found in the stories of the Tlingit and Tsimshian Indians of Southeastern Alaska. Loosely translated, kushtaka means, "land otter man". They are similar to the Nat'ina of the Dan'aina Indians of South Central Alaska, and the Urayuli of the Eskimos in Northern Alaska. Physically, kushtaka are shape-shifters capable of assuming either human form or the form of an otter. In some accounts, a kushtaka is able to assume the form...