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Showing posts from May 11, 2008

Earthquake Disaster Movies

There was yet another couple minor earthquakes here in Northwest Reno last night that made today being filled with yawns. If they made a natural disaster movie of my experience it would just be called Sleepless in Reno and would not be terribly exciting. Last week it seemed to me that the earthquake swarm was slowing down, but then yesterday that were several shakers strong enough to wake me up. I've been dealing with so many earthquakes the last two and a half months that I've started categorizing them into my own rumblers, shakers, rollers, then glass breakers. I've also got locations down. Being in the midst of the faults I can tell which fault took the hit. What I mean is one of the epicenters was about 150 yards from my house. I could tell which direction the energy came from that popped me up off the couch. Even though deep inside I absolutely do not believe that Reno will ever in a million years be dealing with 10.5: Apocalypse (television movie starring actors Kim ...

1964 Good Friday Earthquake - Southcentral Alaska

Last week I uploaded a handful of images to my flickr account my step grandfather took around downtown Anchorage in April 1964 after the massive earthquake that struck southcentral Alaska when my mother and father were young. Lucky for that earthquake that I am alive as my mother's workplace was destroyed and her company temporarily relocated to the same building my father worked at and if not for that they would not have dated.

Blog Carnival that Looks Like Fun

I love that picture above advertising a blog carnival. I'm not sure what I'm doing this summer yet, but it might be something fun with kids. My nephews are going to show up early June. The youngest will stay most of the summer. We'll have to do something exciting. I need to start walking around the block to get in shape for travel with kids. I drove down to Vegas earlier this month and walking around in the heat is tough work! I need a fitness plan to get ready and since June is just around the bend ... I better get started!

Cool Stuff on Squidoo

Below is a list of several special projects on Squidoo that aren't always easy to find when you want them. BzzAgent Headquarters Described: " BzzAgent is a network of volunteer brand evangelists who participate in Word-of-Mouth (WOM) campaigns. It is a community of communicators." My first try is a little lens about a wonderful new hand lotion I've discovered. CafePress Headquarters CafePress shop keepers can build lens focusing on their wares, and also shopping in general. The Ever Project Described as: "Build an important page — highlight the best, the worst, the zaniest, the smartest, whatever. We'll give you a great domain to go with it. And a new way to stand out online. For free." Sample: . Hey MonkeyBrain! Run a debate lens on important topics such as Peeps or Cadbury Creme ...

Blossoming Passion Flowers

To writers and readers of romance.... First I read the "wild" excerpt and giggled. Then, when I considered they probably sell more of those personalized romance novels than ever sold of my books, I cried like a baby. Okay, so I'm exaggerating. I didn't cry. I haven't been writing for the better part of a year. After I got busy with life, I haven't gotten back into that groove. Something always coming up. Right now living in the earthquake zone keeps me sleepless in Reno and being sleepless saps my creative abilities. And a little day job stuff... I've been sounding tonge-tied at work on the phones at my debt collection job lately. Not getting good sleep for months is really messing up my mental powers. I did have one smart comeback for a moron last week. He had LOTSA debt he's left unpaid on a car loan to BIGBANK. Moron: I voluntarily turned the car in to BIGBANK, I don't owe them anything. Me: You didn...

National Treasure Photo Contest

Ah, should be getting off-line right about now... But I found this travel photography contest on (cool site to host images for your blog for free). If they're listing all the images, so far there aren't that many submitted.

Voting 4 Doodle 4 Google

Time to vote for Doodle 4 Google... I enjoyed checking out all the finalists for each school age category. The winner gets their doodle exhibited on Google all day, as well as prizes for their school.

Poison Levels in Perfume

And now for some ammunition in my no perfume campaign. Reminder to those of you in the world that are lucky enough to not by afflicted by reactive airway disease or ashtma ... perfume is toxic for you too! (Well, those with toxic chemicals anyway.) Description on YouTube: "Eco-Chick educates us on the poison level in perfume, Urban Edibles helps you find a free meal, Paris Hilton buys a hybrid, and we look at what's going on in green art." The video has a mistake / typo with regards to the cosmetics database. I tried to open any of the pages and they weren't working so I'll leave that to you to Google.