There was yet another couple minor earthquakes here in Northwest Reno last night that made today being filled with yawns. If they made a natural disaster movie of my experience it would just be called Sleepless in Reno and would not be terribly exciting. Last week it seemed to me that the earthquake swarm was slowing down, but then yesterday that were several shakers strong enough to wake me up. I've been dealing with so many earthquakes the last two and a half months that I've started categorizing them into my own rumblers, shakers, rollers, then glass breakers. I've also got locations down. Being in the midst of the faults I can tell which fault took the hit. What I mean is one of the epicenters was about 150 yards from my house. I could tell which direction the energy came from that popped me up off the couch. Even though deep inside I absolutely do not believe that Reno will ever in a million years be dealing with 10.5: Apocalypse (television movie starring actors Kim ...
Internet curator, language enthusiast, independent artist and photographer, and digital nomad.