Animal Crackers Refrigerator Magnet by imagespeak View more flexible magnets This online store at Zazzle has several hundred educational magnets for parents and teachers. The only downside, the designer locked the design so that you can't change the words. If you'd like to create your own magnet with your own words and your photo, you can use Zazzle to do that as well. "Photograph of animal crackers. Help your early education or special needs child communicate using these handy Word Picture Refrigerator Magnets! Children will learn to recognize and spell the associated word. Hundreds of colorful photo magnets are available in this series with more added weekly. There are many categories to choose from - Food, Toys, Animals, Actions, Expressions, and more! So many uses! *Stick them to your refrigerator and your child can point to the food and drink they want at mealtime *Put them in your classroom to let kids select a fun activity *Place them around your house t...