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Showing posts from July 25, 2010

'The Sorcerer's Apprentice' Trailer HD

The other day my nephews, my sister-in-law and I went to see this how. Fun special effects. Very funny. I enjoy stories about wizards and such so I really had fun with the movie. We were at the late show at a drive-in though, and we outlasted most of the other people. People drove off halfway through because their younger children weren't interested so they just gave up and left. So, it is definitely a movie for older children and not the little ones.

Zitronenfalter Mouse Mat

Zitronenfalter Mouse Mat   This pretty yellow butterfly is an image of Gonepteryx rhamni comes from Plate II in Europas bekannteste Schmetterlinge published about 1895 by Dr. F. Nemos. The butterfly is also noted as Zitronenfalter on the lithograph. Posted via email from Mousepads


"Requiring Arizona law enforcement officials and agencies to determine the immigration status of every person who is arrested burdens lawfully-present aliens because their liberty will be restricted while their status is checked," U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton, a Clinton appointee, said today with regards to her decision to slow Arizona's implementation of their law. What bunch of bull. Did she listen to herself speak? People who are law-fully present in the US have a computerized paper trail or they wouldn't be law-fully present to begin with. So, what delays is she worried about? People "who is arrested" typically "is" arrested because it was evident enough that they were driving drunk, beating up their wife, molesting a child, selling drugs, shooting at other people, etc... There are a few people who are arrested for things like not paying traffic fines and ignoring the bench warrent hanging over their head ... well, sucks to be t...

Black & White Bicycle Keychain

Bicycle by silhouette_emporium See other Bicycle Keychains Black and white outline of a bicycle on a keychain for cycling fans.