Mashable published 10 Wonderfully Weird Zazzle Finds earlier today, linking to the mirrored Zazzle UK site. Just in case you are a US shopper looking to buy a strange gift for a friend ... here are the same products at Zazzle's main site. Lizard Tshirts by Gay_Art Find other Lizard T-Shirts at This guy must have met a real winner to be inspired to create this artwork. The Death of Socrates (expressionism portrait) Pacifier by KazFunArt Look at Kazuya Pacifiers online at Send your baby to day care with this pacifier and if the staff don't report you to child protective services, find a new day care. Goaboon Postcard by Junglegeorge Browse Photomix Postcards Strange, yes, but a great of mixing photos. Cool Hamburger Mouse Mats by roimim Design your own mouse pads with pictures . Zazzle ... where you don't have to design your own mouse pad with hamburger smiley face smoking a cigarette in a pair of sungl...