I've working on three weeks of being sick (second round hit me a week back), and my brain is functioning on less oxygen ... barely. One area I'm going haywire in is that I'm driving in circles. Literally. Last weekend I drove up to the bank a half-hour from closing and forget to take the bank's exit on the Interstate. I had to turn around at the gas station's exit, but couldn't actually get gas yet because now the bank closed in 15 minutes. Then I had to back up yet again to get gas. I feel fairly certain I wouldn't have done this if I was getting twice the oxygen. But here's the one that made me laugh at myself. I got home from work and went to sleep. I just woke up and saw the computer on and decided to check the blog. Sometimes I click on the stats to see what is up and saw that someone surfed onto my website/blog from... http://www.romancingtheblog.com/blog/2006/07/09/author-behaving-badly and I panicked. "But, I'm behaving!" Now, if yo...
Internet curator, language enthusiast, independent artist and photographer, and digital nomad.