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Showing posts from January 7, 2007

I'm Behaving!

I've working on three weeks of being sick (second round hit me a week back), and my brain is functioning on less oxygen ... barely. One area I'm going haywire in is that I'm driving in circles. Literally. Last weekend I drove up to the bank a half-hour from closing and forget to take the bank's exit on the Interstate. I had to turn around at the gas station's exit, but couldn't actually get gas yet because now the bank closed in 15 minutes. Then I had to back up yet again to get gas. I feel fairly certain I wouldn't have done this if I was getting twice the oxygen. But here's the one that made me laugh at myself. I got home from work and went to sleep. I just woke up and saw the computer on and decided to check the blog. Sometimes I click on the stats to see what is up and saw that someone surfed onto my website/blog from... and I panicked. "But, I'm behaving!" Now, if yo...

Visions of Sugar Plums by Janet Evanovich

Visions of Sugar Plums by Janet Evanovich. This one was short enough to read at work on breaks, in one day. This is a Diesel story, revolving around Christmas. This short was a bit more paranormal than Plum Lovin' . Having read 1-12 in the # Stephanie Plum books first, I was surprised at the topics. But, I was very interested. After all, ideas like controling the elements shows up in my own Starlit Destiny . One of my wish list books is... Tesla: Man Out of Time .

Plum Lovin' by Janet

Plum Lovin' by Janet Evanovich. This is a Diesel story, revolving around Valentine's Day. Joe and Ranger have one-liners. They aren't around. Makes me wish I'd have read Visions of Sugar Plums first so I could get a better line on Diesel. I've started VOSP tonight. I would have read the Christmas story first, but I thought I read somewhere it was full of short stories. Really, what that person meant was that book was a short story. I figured that out half-way and an hour into reading Plum Lovin'. I enjoyed Plum Lovin', but a little disappointed in length. It took me two hours from start to finish. People complain about the rising cost of books, yet I always say they are cheaper than movies. This is the first book I ever read that surpassed the cost of movie-going. But, it was better than a movie. Or at least, better than most movies.

Born of the Night by Amanda Ashley

Born of the Night by Amanda Ashley. Again, this is the second time I read the story. It is my favorite in the Stroke of Midnight anthology, so worth a second read. I haven't read many of Amanda Ashley's books... just the other name the author goes by ... Madeline Baker .

Winter Born by Sherrilyn Kenyon

I finished the story in this anthology today -- Winter Born by Sherrilyn Kenyon. This is the second time I read it, and the first I've read of by the author. Her website has changed since the last time I've looked... Sherrilyn Kenyon . Here is an easier to use list of the Dark-Hunter/Were-Hunter books on Louisa Brown's Magical Romance Reading Website .

The Concubine's Tale by Jennifer Colgan

I just finished the recently released The Concubine's Tale by Jennifer Colgan. It is the story of the lovers trapped for 3000 years inside The Soul Jar (an earlier release). As for TCT, I enjoyed Grant and Cait's story, and Nayari and Khanu's story is absolutely fabulous. Made me cry, and even though this is a paranormal, I really want to believe it is true. Ever read a paranormal like that? Below is a blurb from Jennifer Colgan's website... Separated in time, united in passion An ancient papyrus scroll tells the sensual and tragic tale of Nayari, concubine to a power-hungry magistrate bent on usurping the Egyptian throne. The chronicles of her forbidden love for Khanu, the stoic warrior sent to transport her from her master’s home to the temple of Min, enflame the passions of modern day art collector Grant Pierson for sexy gallery curator Cait Lang. As Cait relates Nayari’s erotic adventure she stirs more than just Grant’s curiosity in the priceless artifact and the...

Make It Last Forever by L.A. Banks (Stroke of Midnight)

I finished the story in this anthology today -- Make It Last Forever by L.A. Banks, the story of Tara and Jake Rider takes place in 1979. Here is a story description on the author's website . Jake Rider is one of the Guardians in the Vampire Huntress books. Make It Last Forever is the story of how he got to where he is on his road to life. Note: This blog is keeping track of my book a week resolution this year. Speaking of resolutions: I found this resolution post about the AtoZ Challenge .