There's an anti-Angle-because-she-is-pro-Yucca advertisement running on my blog right now. Dear Senator Reid ... I'm pro-Yucca too. I know, yucky. But the mess is already out there, needing to be stored somewhere safer than it currently is. My question is why Harry Reid thinks Sharon Angle is anti-jobs for Nevada when he doesn't want Yucca Mountain. Especially considering that he wants to help usher the USA into a green economy. Just what kind of green jobs does he really want Nevada get? Ten guys running around the desert wiping the buzzard crap off solar panels that covered up all our wide open spaces? Or thousands of people that will have jobs if Yucca Mountain is used to store radioactive waste for the rest of human history? Let's get realistic ... covering the desert southwest with solar panels or wind turbines isn't feasible. Coal isn't really clean. So, it will likely be nuclear that powers the United States as humanity moves into the next phase. Stor...
Internet curator, language enthusiast, independent artist and photographer, and digital nomad.