More insight on human behavior... Last night it took me 2.5 hours to get home. Reno roads were covered with a half inch of ice, and a significant portion of Reno's drivers don't own trucks and SUVs (or tiny cars equipped with studded tires or chains) and shouldn't be driving under these conditions. I got to thinking that last year this time the media was full of stories about how gas prices drove down the sales of trucks and SUVs. All the major car manufacturers had huge gas card incentives just to move these vehicles off the lot. You think that this year, considering a huge portion of the country is under snow, that people are regretting they bought those tiny cars? It's fine and dandy to accuse Americans of being gas hogs and loving their trucks and SUVs when you live in LA or Phoenix or Florida. But shoot, what's fine for someone that lives in Los Angeles isn't fine for someone that lives a hundred miles away. (Some people don't realize this, but Californ...
Internet curator, language enthusiast, independent artist and photographer, and digital nomad.