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Seven Things

Michele tagged with with this one. I told her it would give me something to do if the rains stopped the fireworks tonight and sure enough the Truckee River flooded in downtown Reno and the fireworks are being held off until tomorrow! There is a huge mudslide on I-80 too that will take a few days to clean up.

Seven Things to Do Before I Die:

#1 Ride in a hot air balloon is something I’d like to do as well.

#2 I want to visit all of the continents.

#3 Buy one of my own books at Wal-Mart (keep going with writing).

#4 Win a mega jackpot and/or the lottery. Either would suit my retirement goals. Problem is I never play those big machines or buy lottery tickets.

#5 Own a clipper ship (#4 would help), or at least go sailing on an old-fashioned sailing vessel.

#6 Have a meaningful relationship with a studly Viking.

#7 Paint. Another way to express creativity.

Seven Things I Cannot Do:

#1 Cut my own hair effectively.

#2 Read fast enough to keep up with what I want to read.

#3 Find the CD for my Paint Shop Pro. I did find a Toby Keith CD in the wrong case though.

#4 Keep up with all the idiotic programs on my computer. If a Viking is unavailable a computer geek will do.

#5 Rock climbing.

#6 Scuba diving.

#7 I have to face that I will be unable to travel everywhere I want to, unless I win that lottery.

Seven Things that (Will) Attract Me to My (Future) Spouse (or significant other, best friend, etc.) Note: this one I adapted.

#1 If a Viking is unavailable, a cowboy will do.

#2 Has a job so he can support my writing habit. There would be benefits after all. What guy wouldn’t want to help research romance novels?

#3 Can speak my language. The last guy who flirted with me used “sign” to do it. He took out his cell phone and “signed” that he wanted my phone number. The International Language of Love is hard to express over the phone.

#4 Has a 4x4 truck, sail boat, skiff, snow machine, hot air balloon, hiking boots or other toys that involve outdoor activities.

#5 He should have cable so he can get DSL, and only watch sports when I’m otherwise entertained.

#6 Wants the same basic goals so he compliments me nicely, yet I’d want him to have a few goals I never thought of so life would remain interesting.

#7 No felonies. Actually, this is #1 I think!

Seven Things I Say (or write!) Most Often

#1 Anyway

#2 …


#4 I’ve got a different password for tons of the websites I frequent and I have them memorized because I type them so often.

#5 A little. Little is one of those meaningless adjectives I use a little too often and have to erase when I’m editing manuscripts. Well, I did that on purpose.

#6 Well

#7 Just

Seven Books (or series) I Love

#1 Dara Joy’s Knight of a Trillion Stars and more in that series.

#2 Jude Deveraux’s Legend

#3 Nora Robert’s The Reef

#4 Shiloh Walker’s Hunter series

#5 Leigh Greenwood's Cowboy and Seven Brides series (they're related)

#6 Bernadette Gardner’s Hunter’s Moon

#7 The old Nancy Drew mysteries

Seven Movies I Would Watch Over and Over Again

#1 French Kiss

#2 The Christmas Story

#3 Armageddon

#4 Proof of Life

#5 Hope Floats

#6 Thunderheart (Val Kilmer is unavailable, I'll have to stick to Viking hunting.)

#7 Star Wars series

Seven People I Want to Join In (Be Tagged) - I picked the last 7 comments give or take, and skimmed to see if you'd already done this. Have fun.

#1 Karen
#2 Laura
#3 Tanya - Shesawriter
#4 Lauren
#5 Leann
#6 Laine
#7 Bernadette


  1. I'm game. I'm sitting here waiting for the new year to ring in so I can go to bed. Pretty pathetic.

  2. One good thing about that AST is you get to cheer a lot before midnight!

  3. **drools** over hunky cowboy pic. Very Studly, Annalee!

    Did you know that the guy to the left of Val plays on the Red Green Show (PBS)as a comedic foil?? He's hysterical!!!

    I forgot about scuba diving...
    Great meme Annalee!

  4. I spent an hour preparing my "tag" and my computer froze up on me when it went to post and I lost all of it....aaaggghhhh, I'll try again after 5 when I don't hve the phones anymore.

  5. Michele - Graham Greene on the Red Green show. LOL. He's a great actor. He's one of my favorite. I like him in Maverick with Mel Gibson. I have seen the Red Green show before, but not for years.

    Leann -- See, this is why if I met a new man to start dating if he enjoyed the challenge of computers I'd be pleased! LOL! The wireless network won't work with the second computer again. I'm tired of it.

  6. If a Viking is unavailable, a cowboy will do.
    LOL! too great!

    Happy New Year ~

  7. Vikings and cowboys - you'd better get writing girl! Looks like you've got some heroes to invent.

    Thanks for putting Hunter's Moon on your list! Aw shucks! ;)

  8. Bernadette - :) Can I pester you for a sequel now?

    Dennie - LOL. I'm part Norwegian. All my relatives are tall from that side of family -- including me. Maybe a viking cowboy.

  9. I was out of my own little blog universe and visit my buddy's blog and what?! I'm not tagged! I guess it's a good thing, I don't think I could write a list that long Annalee! I have a hard time writing out my grocery list lol! I liked yours though, particularly the one about your future spouse knowing the universal language of love *g*

    Back to my own little bloggy world...and my edits lol

    Happy New Year!!

  10. I've been tagged with the same Seven Things..but I haven't had time to do it. I've been feeding everyone and visiting. Oy.

    I liked your answers though. Especially loved the cowboy photo, too. :^)

  11. Kim! I tend to torment the last bloggers to comment. Torment. LOL. Must have taken 5 hours! Okay, so not that much time.

    Penelope, I probably saved that from Beth Williamson at the group I'm in Behind the Muses. It somehow ended up in the "cool photos" file on my computer though.


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