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Mixed Rain & Snow & News

I saw Sparks on the national news. We've been having a lot of rain and some snow. I guess the Truckee River was "this close" to flood stage. I didn't go to the downtown area, and out on my end of Reno the river I'm in the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas so flooding isn't a huge problem. Here I am talking about the weather...

Had two bad phone calls this weekend, and worried about family. My uncle is in ICU and getting worse, not better. Makes it tough to be in another state. There was good news with the phone calls... just a few more days and my brother will be visiting for almost a week. Still not sure if I'm going to drive down to Vegas with them. I've applied for a new position and have a sneaking suspicion I'll be interviewed then. Can't really go off playing when something like that comes up.

My other brother stopped by yesterday and I gave him a crew cut. I had these GI Jane flashed images running through my mind. I haven't done much more than trim my hair in 14 months, so it's getting pretty long -- which means it's always in the way. I was reading a novella last night where the hero was thinking about the heroine's sexy long hair, then she woke up late and managed to shower and comb out her rat's nest and be ready in 15 minutes. Fiction? Absolutely! The author has to have short hair, or she'd have made it an hour. LOL. I'm being silly. But, it is my experience that bed head and long hair don't mix really well. I'm planning on getting a hair cut this week (my sister-in-law is my preferred stylist). I better go hide the clippers before I get her to do something too drastic.

Guess that GI Jane scene is memorable because it's shocking. Do you have scenes from movies that you remember strongly? Books?

I think I create some really strong images when I read. I read one story called of Jennifer Colgan's called Flight of the Valkyrie over a year ago and I still have strong images in my head.


  1. Hey Annalee! You still have images from Flight? Wow. It's funny how scenes you play in your head from books can stay with you as clearly as scenes from movies or TV.

    Best wishes for your uncle - and good luck on your interview!

  2. Hey , Annalee!
    Hope things turn around and you have good news about your Uncle soon....

    As for memorable moments...I've read so many books by JAK, I no longer remember the book it is from , but the scene, of a man heading towards our hero, another practitioner of the Vanza martial art stays with me. I can see it so clearly...a walk of purpose, fluidity and stealth, to the beat and firmness of a beginning rip from a Bon Jovi song. I see it, hear it, feel it. **shudder** If a man walked towards me like that, I'd turn into a puddle of desire at his feet.
    Didn't matter that he was a "bad" guy in the scene. The description was uber sexy to me.
    Hence, the clear memory.


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