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Search Engine Stat Fun

I'm still writing, so I haven't been visiting. But I stopped writing long enough to look over my latest stats, and sure enough... they're dropping. I know part of blogging is talking back! I'm nearly done with this novella.

Anyway, does anyone else keep track of your blog stats?

Here is how some recent search engine visitors found my blog.

smiling dog
sailing viking reinactment
chocolate covered garlic
"I'll be your Private Dancer" t-shirt
snow monster from rudolf the red nosed reindeer
cat cleaning computer

If you have stats, look them over and feel free to share your favorite.

I found another post thanks to Michele... Writer's Drift: OK, I've been slack where you can find a monster bunny. Michele likes things like were-rabbits and big bunnies. Me too! I just posted about the Hot Hare Balloon because I'd really go to balloon races just to see that big bunny.


  1. That's tame compared to the ones folks have used to find me. :-)


  2. I’ve been negligent about visiting blogs and posting comments lately, too, Annalee. In fact, my own blog posts have dwindled a bit, too. Sometimes we just need to take a break from blog hopping and posting because it’s so time consuming. If we don’t, the books won’t get written, edits won’t get done, revisions will go unfinished, and life outside of the Internet will forget we exist. LOL

    As for stats, my latest favorite from search engine visitors is: “having sex with Daisy Duck.” :-0

    I don’t even want to know…

  3. LOL - I'll have to see if I can locate stats on how people found my blog. Not that I get much traffic at the moment, mind you, since I'm still unpubbed. I'm just a loudmouth :)

    - M

  4. Tanya - I had a funny hot one... something about "hot syrupy peaches sex", but that was awhile back and I didn't save it! LOL.

    Daisy - Yeah, I am butting up against a deadline like never before. Last night I still found the wrong name for the hero in one sentence from way back in first draft. Goofy stuff like that! As for that search... boy, yeah, strange one.

    Maura - I just get the info from the extreme tracker freebie I have. Very easy to use and pretty common. You can find their link down at the bottom of my blog if you want to look at their trackers.

  5. I don't even know how to do that.
    Wish I did.
    Might be interesting!
    Or boring.
    I don't have a a wide reach.
    Still, I am curioius now that you mention it.


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