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Fresh Voices - Fresh Choices For Readers

This coming week is Read An E-Book Week (March 5-11th, 2006). It was created four years ago as a way to promote the new industry and share with readers the advantages of electronic books.

Here's why I read eBooks...

#1 - Instantaneous satisfaction! When I want a book I can go to a Web site, buy it, and be reading within a few minutes. I really don't like driving across town to discover the bookstore doesn't have what I want. Electronic books provide immediate gratification for readers.

#2 - This years' theme "Fresh Voices - Fresh Choices For Readers" exemplifies what I find true of the epublishing industry. I enjoy the dedication to books and creativity that I find in small publishers like New Concepts Publishing where my own books are published. From talking with other authors published by other ePubs, I think they'd say the same thing. If the entire publishing industry was had those ideals I wouldn't see so many Harry Potter spin-offs when I walk through the bookstore.

#3 - And speaking of Harry Potter. Last July my first short story Never A Sunset was released the same day as the last Harry Potter release. I remember hearing in the media that the first 5 Harry Potter books in the series have sold so many copies that if they were all lined up they could span the equator twice. That is a lot of books, and that means a LOT of trees have died so people can read. So, I made this little graphic advocating no electrons were destroyed to make any of my eBooks.

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Now it's your turn... why do you read eBooks?

If you haven't tried, and enjoy romance, if I may point out my author page NCP. How is that for shameless promotion?

Truth is there are a lot of other great books available! Actually, I plan to list a few over the coming week in honor of Read an E-Book Week.

That said... Never A Sunset is coming out in print in two week in an anthology called Immortal Lovers so I just want to warn you I'll be touting the advantages of print books soon too. I love eBooks, but I read print books still.


  1. Why do I read ebooks? I guess it boils down a couple of main reasons.

    1) The greater variety of new authors available in romance and erotic romance.

    2) The instant gratification of buy & download & read immediately

    3) The ease of storage.

    I just checked and I personally own over 1400 ebooks. Imagine storing that many in paper! Imagine that many dead trees!

    Plus I can keep them on a little usb drive and carry them around with me to various locations. And they read wonderfully on my tablet PC.

    I am going to check out the new Origami Ultra-mobile PC that will be launched next week. It's supposed to be about the size of a paperback book and might be a great dedicated ebook reader for me.

  2. You are definitely entitled to some shameless promotion. Especially on your own blog. :)

    I still prefer reading paper books. But I do love the immediacy of ebooks - not to mention the cheaper price! I've been thinking of getting a reader, cause I have a pretty big laptop. And there will always be something that I love about a bookcase full of books, even if it's not environmentally correct. :)

  3. I've never read an ebook. I've been meaning to get a reader because I know I'm missing out on a lot of good stuff.


  4. Maura ... 1400 ebooks. I remember that. I still think... wow.

    Debbie :) Thanks. Most of the time eBooks are cheaper. But I have to admit that when they aren't... I'm just thrifty by nature so I tend to think twice if they cost more than a paperback.

    Tanya... I posted about my slow trip into eBooks this evening. I wasn't an easy convert. LOL!

  5. I like reading "different", which can be hard to find in the print romance world. It's easy to find in the e-world.

    E-books are much cheaper for me here in NZ - a print paperback sells between $20 - $35 here.

    I like being able to buy a book when I want, not when the shops are open.

    I can read a really hot book out in a public place and not have to worry about other people seeing what I'm reading :-)


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