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My First eBook

I’m pretty new to eBooks. I knew about them early on, but I admit I used to be afraid to buy online. I was afraid of the “Internet”. But then I bought my first new vehicle and watched them process a monstrous loan on-line. I was thinking that loan represents the bulk of my bills for the coming years and it’s all online, so why am I worry about shopping online? That’s how I got over the fear of shopping online. I started with airlines tickets though. Then shopped at

But I still didn’t buy a book for a few years. I found my first NCP book in print to be honest! I read it, enjoyed it and started thinking about eBooks. About the same time I joined a small critique group. Chaste Foxxe's Jack and Jill on Fantasy Hill had recently been released, and so I started there to support a writing friend. This story is a fairy tale revisited, and was the first eBook I purchased from NCP. It's been a little over a year and a half. Not much though.


  1. Did you feel like a whole new world had opened up to you?

    I have a serious love for ebooks. Have to get a reader soon though - reading them on the laptop has gotten to inconvinient. I need something I can drop in my purse and whip out in the carpool lane!

  2. Internet shopping gave me pause too, in the beginning, but I don't know how I'd function without it now. The first time I bought an ebook - which happened to be from NCP! - I was a little nervous, but I've never had a problem. Once I found out I could have a new book to read in a matter of minutes, I was hooked. The choices are overwhelming, but I find it easier to browse titles online than in a bookstore.

    I need a reader too!

  3. I just started my addiction to ebooks at the end of last year, and for me it's all about the price. I don't really enjoy reading on my laptop -it's way too big to be comfortable, but still a lot more portable than my PC. ;)

    I've started thinking about getting a reader, but I'm a little nervous about buying one without trying it out.

  4. I had to get used to ebooks. The first couple I read, I wanted to crit them, since I do all my critting on the computer.

    But I got past that, and I do enjoy ebooks. I'd probably enjoy them more if I had a reader and didn't have to use my laptop. I told my husband I wanted a particular cute little palm thingie before we go on vacation so I can read ebooks while we're driving.

  5. Karen - Absolutely, a whole new world.

    Bernadette - I am not much for going out when it is crowded. I went over to the B&N to look for RT the other afternoon (don't have it yet) and I had to park in the back on the opposite side of the strip mall. I was SO tempted to drive home and not even go inside. Sure enough... it's a mad house. I should have wandered around handing out my business card... you know, there are eBooks. (I'm kidding.)

    Debbie - same here. I'm really got at buying gadgets that sit. I want to try them all first.

    Lynn - I read faster on my computer. I'm not sure of WPM or anything, but I think I read quite a bit faster than I do when I have a paperback. The funny thing is, I have actually grabbed a pen and made notes in paperbacks when I found typos, but I don't really notice them when I'm reading on computer. I think it is the speed thing, I'm probably reading half again as quickly on my computer.

  6. Buying my first e-book was a bit nerve racking but once I got past that it was easy!


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