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Reading Throughts

I feel like I slept in today. I didn’t really. I was up at a decent enough hour but all I’ve done so far is finish the rest of Sasha White’s Bound. Not that often I read a book in a few sittings.

It’s an erotic romance that involves dominant/submissive roles. A good deal of the erotic romance that involves BDSM (that I’ve run across) might be heated, but I can’t really identify with the characters or situation they’re in. Most of what I read is paranormal or futuristic and involves completely fantastical situations. Fun to read about a dominant vampire hero, but not something I really have to worry about running up against in real life. And if there is a BDSM club in a story, I might be fascinated by the idea but I can’t see myself participating in a real-life situation.

I could identify with Katie Long in Bound because the story was really about two people experimenting with their fantasies. There might be the one scene in a BDSM club, but the rest of the story is about how the hero and heroine are growing into a sexual relationship where the heroine felt comfortable leaving behind the “good girl” role. Even though the book is written in first person narrative, I got the feeling that Joe was doing some experimenting in this relationship too. He wasn’t a professional bad boy, looking for a innocent to debauch. ;)

Just "real" people in this story.

Jennifer Colgan's Ravenstar's Bride is one of those futuristics that I read a lot of, but can't really identify with the situation. I can see myself as the characters, and this was a great story. But, it couldn't really happen to me. Darn it! I wish it could. I would so love to stowaway on a starship and travel the stars. But, something tells me the farthest my feet are getting off Earth are 30-some-odd thousand feet in a jet plane.

Oh, suppose I should let you know that Ravenstar's Bride isn't erotic romance. Blog post started off talking more about sex, and ended talking about dreaming of traveling the stars. I did warn you I felt like I'd slept in! LOL.

Seeing the pics, the strongest tie between these two pics is they're both written by Divas! I'll have to get back to my third Romance Diva author story tomorrow. I left Christy Gissendaner's A Most Dangerous Affair at work.


  1. I could probably get into the first book...I'm not so much into the futuristic stuff tho. It just never seems to hold my interest.

  2. Although it has no relation, there was a terrific movie called "Bound." Although it was not about BDSM, it was about mental and emotional shackles.

  3. Leann, I love futuristics. My favorite. I loved reading sci-fi when I was younger. Most of my friends read different romance than I read, or write.

  4. Toni, I checked on and the only DVD I found was 10 years old with Jennifer Tilly. That one?

  5. I'm into it all. I can read pretty much any romance that strikes my fancy as long as it isn't in 1st person. I think a romance is best told in the hero and heroines POV.

    Yep, Sasha and Jennifer are awesome authos

  6. Nice that you get some time to sit back and enjoy some books. It always helps to inspire and to move your imagination.

    I love futuristics. :)

  7. Thanks, Jodie! Hey, I'm honored to be mentioned in the same post as Sasha.

    As for stories I like, I tend to go for the ones that can't really happen. I like my fantasy fantastical. The last thing I want to read about is someone just like me doing something that could really happen to me. I've had my head in the stars all my life. Gotta' find my button that says, 'Reality is for people who can't handle science fiction.'

  8. 'Reality is for people who can't handle science fiction.' --- I want the bumper sticker version. LOL.


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