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Carnival Dream

I had the strangest dream last night. Already some of the memories have started disappearing. That’s too bad. I’m sure there was some great imagery in there for stories. The images our minds come up with in dreams always amazes me. I’ve got a loved one in the hospital. I’ve been spending most of the last week visiting and worried and the dream was definitely an extension of my worry.

In the dream I was driving down the road with the woman that sits next to me at work. She was driving, and who knows why I was her passenger. She was wearing a tight little jacket. And she wanted it off. While she was taking it off, it morphed into a monkey vest. You know those tight little vests that monkeys wore? Like the little monkey in Raiders of the Lost Ark. Or the vests that mechanical clapping monkeys. Don’t the flying monkeys in the Wizard of Oz wear them too? I used to have an illustrated version and I think they did but I can’t remember (at least in conscious thought, maybe my subconscious mind does remember). This image shows up in part because I just finished a book called Fool’s Gold by Jennifer Skully last night before I fell asleep. In this Nevada-set romance, the heroine had a bumper sticker that read, “don’t make me bring out the flying monkeys”.

So this woman I work with was driving down the road trying to get this vest off. That means she isn’t driving, so I reach over and steer the car back toward the road each time it nearly goes flying off. She stops trying to take the vest off long enough to stop me from using the steering wheel each time. She insisted she knew what she was doing. I am of course crossing my heart and hoping not to die. We get into a fabulous car wreck and wind up next to a mountain lake from Idaho. It looked like something out of Thunderbolt and Lightfoot. That movie was on while I was cooking dinner last night. I didn’t see much of it. But I got to see a few of the car chase scenes. And I also saw one scene were they drove along what I thought was a lake. Turns out it was the Snake River in Idaho. In my dream the image was what I first thought. A lake.

I crawl out of the car and on the shores of the lake I found a heart shaped rock floating. I went over there to figure it out. It was balancing perfectly on another rock because they were both split in three and the heart-shaped rock was sitting in the indentation at the epicenter of these cracks. As I started looking around, I could see that the three cracks were really fissures from some ancient earthquake. The imagery is strong here for showing why loved one is in the hospital. It is pretty serious and yet I’ve been trying to not worry, and be positive about the outcome. Good to see there was a peaceful, lovely scene when the heart first showed up.

But them the chaos came back. In the dream I leaned over to take close up pictures and I saw strange little spiders dancing around on this rock. They were colorful and changed shape as they danced. The setting morphed to the carnival where there were games to play. No rides. I think we were going to the circus, but the dream only happened around tends were there were games or other displays. I was literally running around taking pictures of my family like a crazed woman. Even though it was digital, I was able to hold up the “negatives” over light boxes. Looked just like x-ray film and light boxes in hospitals - only the images were portraits of my family and they were all smiling. After I determined I had plenty of good pictures of them, I crawled down into this pit were these plastic monkeys were on display and started taking pictures of the monkeys again.

I guess the circus carnival was showing up because I was pretty disappointed with the hospital yesterday when they brought spoiled milk for two meals in a row. That irritated the heck out of me that no one listened to the patients and got the problem fixed after lunch. Yesterday I was thinking of the hospital as having too many people running around doing their jobs without a clearly defined ring master that keeps it all flowing smoothly. So I guess the dream was about working out my worries. I really want to focus more on the calm reflections in a mountain lake so that is the attitude I bring with me when I visit the hospital.


  1. Wow, sounds like a crazy, frenetic dream and a definite manifestation of your feelings yesterday. That really sucks that they couldn't (or wouldn't) take care fo the spoiled milk situation between meals. I hope they took care of it before breakfast today!

    As for me...I dreamed about pirates last night, definitely a result of a late-night showing of PIRATES 3. Only wish I could remember them...


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