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Google Earth Challenge

It is interesting that I should find this Google Earth Challenge on Meeyauw's blog today, because I was reading about a nearby confluence in the other window. The Degree Confluence Project's ( goal is "to visit each of the latitude and longitude integer degree intersections in the world, and to take pictures at each location. The pictures, and stories about the visits, will then be posted" on their Web site. There is a confluence up at Lake Tahoe and I figured out where thanks to Google Earth. 39°N 120°W is located at the crook in the California and Nevada stateline (the white line in the picture below). By the way, I'm using Corel PSP to capture screen prints from Google Earth.

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I don't recall having heard that geographical trivia question about the Cal-Neva border coinciding with a confluence at that spot.

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But, I would know how to find the stateline at Stateline, Nevada. It's pretty easy to tell because there are no casinos across the street in South Lake Tahoe, California.

Okay, so on to other places of interest...

This is desert valley where I work. Or part of the valley.

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"Patrick" is about 10 miles from the edge of Sparks, Nevada in the desert. I think the post office calls it McCarren, Nevada. Anyway, it is just a business complex. No one lives out there. I work near one of the warehouses that picks up Dell computers off a chartered plane from Asia before shipping them out to US customers. I also work near a dog food factory that stinks the place up and backs up the traffic when the train is stopping by to get their product. Then there is the constuction company that has denuded the hill on their property, thus adds dust to the wind in the area. Last month there was a dust storm that was so fierce two of my coworkers had shattered windows in their vehicles. There is also an "adult entertainment complex" that gets the most traffic (Wikidepdia's description of the brothel).

Back in Reno...

This is where I live.

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It looks to me as though they caught Santa Claus on the roof in broad daylight. I can not figure out what that red shape is. Of course, I've yet to crawl around up on the roof.

Google Earth is so much fun! Type in someplace you want to see and it takes you on a "space ship" ride to the next destination.

The resolution of the ground images around Dillingham, Alaska where I lived prior to Reno is too poor to find my old house. Dillingham is located along the shores of Bristol Bay in Southwest Alaska.

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I added a few images using Panoramio. Maybe one will get added too Google Earth. It doesn't happen right away.

That is about all for now. Have a great day.

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  1. Gee can Vermont and Nevada be any more different? The things I see that are the same are big open spaces: yours are brown, mine are green.

    I have the problem here with Earth that you have in Alaska. I can't get the resolution on my house so it looks better from far off. I guess these rural areas are not that important for mapping!

    The Confluence project is fantastic. There is no work to be done in Vermont unfortunately. Thanks for the link.

    Thank you so much! I hope lots of others do this.

  2. I have a friend who is addicted to google earth. I haven't gotten into it yet, but your post sure tempts me!!

  3. Fantastic images! I've got to check out Google Earth.

  4. I took meeyauw's challenge too. A very interesting post. Mine is very low tech and I have hardly delved into Google Earth as yet.

  5. Hi again Annalee! I've tagged you! Hope all is well.


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