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Showing posts from July 19, 2015

TEDxSanAntonio - Benny Lewis - Rapid Language Hacking

TEDxSanAntonio - Benny Lewis - Fluent in Three Months - Rapid Language Hacking "There are seven days in the week, and some day isn't one of them." I might have changed the wording on that! But, I found the idea in this video about learning languages. You'll find some other tips on learning a foreign language.

Учить - Most Common Russian Verbs

In this Russian verbs lesson for learners of the Russian language that are beginning to study cases, starting about 5:10 into this video there is information about the verb учить. This verb учить in Russian can mean both to study and to learn. The creator of Russian Plus talks about the Russian cases that apply to make this possible in this video. There are other verbs discussed in this video. They series of three videos is great for language learners with some experience because he goes over aspects such as perfective and imperfective verbs and will list some different forms of each verb with different prefixes and suffixes. Beginning users might look cross-eyed at all the options. Advanced users can use it for review. Here's a post at Tumblr with a lot of information about this same subject of learning and studying ... Verbs for ‘to learn’ and ‘to study’: учить, изучать, учиться, научиться and заниматься .

собираться - Most Common Russian Verbs

The first verb Russian Plus covers in this Russian verbs video on YouTube is the reflexive verb собираться ... to gather, to plan or to pack. This is the third in a series of videos demonstrating the conjugation of many popular verbs.

находиться - Most Common Russian Verbs

Starting at about 6 minutes into this Russian verbs video, you can find some information about the reflexive verb находиться ... to be located.

Josef, the 83 year old precision driver

YouTube played this one for me today. This BMW Stories video is from a German speaker with English subtitles. Guys that have a hobby of learning German and fast cars might appreciate a chance to hear the language on YouTube with some accurate subtitles.

Tacos de Bistec Clásicos y deliciosos, paso a paso | Knorr® Sabor

Knorr has some Spanish language recipes and YouTube videos that might be interesting for Spanish language learners interesting in trying something new in the kitchen.

How to Boil an Egg | Knorr® Tips

Saw this tutorial video on how to boil and egg at the end of a tasty looking Knorr ad on YouTube. I watched the whole ad because it looked yummy! This video made me smile, but I know the truth is ... not everyone knows how to boil an egg! I wanted to save it because there are some tasty looking recipes in the Knorr playlist.

“Maybe Time Doesn’t Even Exist”

National Geographic video ... "As chief time scientist at the U.S. Naval Observatory, Demetrios Matsakis has spent his career monitoring time, including making sure that the Navy's master clock is always right. Over the years he's developed some interesting theories about time—and whether it even exists."

Parts of the body in Russian - Learn Russian with us!

If you want to learn Russian visit us at . TODAY'S LESSON: THE PARTS OF THE HUMAN BODY IN RUSSIAN This is a lesson of Russian vocabulary for beginners. The parts of the human body are part of the basic vocabulary in any language. In this lesson you will find: - Basic words of the body (head, arm, leg,...) - Basic words of the face (nose, eye, ears,...) I think the Russian books with audio, and the workbooks they offer look helpful. But, I've resolved to finish some of the Russian language course books that I already own such as "teach yourself russian" .

Learn Russian: giving directions (when someone is lost)

A short, sweet video with some basic phrases for giving directions in Russian. In the description below the video, they have the English and Russian version of each phrase such as turn right, turn left, and go straight.

Albert Hammond - It Never Rains In Southern California

Albert Hammond - It Never Rains In Southern California - It never rains in Southern California ... except when it pours. Thank goodness the news story I saw said there was serious injuries on I10 today.

How to use your dictionary to build your vocabulary

This "how to use your dictionary to build your vocabulary" tutorial video on engVid by JamesESL is meant primary for ESL (English as a Second Language) students. But people learning other foreign languages might find a few useful tips in it. For anyone learning English as their second language looking for free online videos at YouTube, you should definitely check out the different teacher channels offered through engVid .