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Showing posts from July 7, 2019

How much money does my small YouTube channel make | Part Two

I often watch Alisha Conn's mostly graphics creation for Etsy passive income channel on YouTube, and her last two videos have been about how much she earns with the channel. I've seen a few YouTubers share over the years. In this video she talks a bit about learning to improve CPM. She links to the first video for small YouTubers interested in some basic information.

How to talk about the future in Russian / Будущее время по-русски | Exli...

How to talk about the future in Russian / Будущее время по-русски | Exlinguo For me this is all "old information". However, I know that typically use the future tense of the verbs she spent some time covering nearly enough in my speaking. This was just an introduction, but I was able to wrote down a list of these verbs that I don't use enough so I can spend some time reviewing and looking for real life examples.

Home Appliances Vocabulary in Russian / Бытовые приборы в русском доме |...

Home Appliances Vocabulary in Russian / Бытовые приборы в русском доме | Exlinguo This video with subtitles has vocabulary for home appliances, computers, and other devices for clothing and beauty. Their videos are really helpful for people that have been studying Russian for a little while, but want to improve their vocabulary and listening skills.