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My Favorite Things

Thirteen of My Favorite Things

  1. Raindrops on roses, and whiskers on kittens.... I love watching and singing along to a great musical. When I was a kid I used to run about singing like life was a musical. People would ask me what I was singing, but I was just making it up as I went.

  2. And I love dancing. I talked my mother into letting me take ballet lessons for a little while. But I wasn’t graceful and my ballet teacher didn’t have very liberal thoughts on teaching children. If you sucked, she let you know. But, she couldn’t ever accuse me of not enjoying dancing.

  3. All my favorite songs are either on soundtracks, or are great story like “Desperado” by the Eagles. Listing thirteen favorites might be the subject of another Thursday Thirteen. Some of the movie songs I’ve listened to while typing today: Da Funk by Daft Punk on The Saint soundtrack and #1 Crush by Mundy on the Romeo & Juliet soundtrack.

  4. Writing. I can get lost in writing. I love creating stories and characters. Apparently even writing this post can distract me. It hit nearly 110 F this afternoon so I went to the freezer and got a popsicle and forgot about it. It was sitting on the desk melting while I typed (still in wrapper thankfully). LOL.

  5. Reading. I enjoy reading so much that I like most stories. It is July and so far this year I’ve only found 1 book that bored me enough that I set it down permanently.

  6. I’m still loving Netflix. I enjoy watching movies and I have over 200 movies on the queue. I bet this is a reciprocal “favorite thing”. When I first got Netflix I wondered if their computer program would let me keep adding as many movies as I wanted. Ha! Silly question. Of course they want me making long-term movie-watching plans.

  7. I don’t go to the movie theater all that often. But, nothing can replace seeing a select handful of movies in the movie theater. Raiders of the Lost Ark. Star Wars. These movies were meant to be seen in a theater.

  8. I love traveling. I am not ashamed to admit that if I won a lottery (would help if I was a regular lottery ticket buyer), I would quit my day job and become an eccentric millionaire that traveled around the world to places that aren’t on the proverbial tourist map and wrote stories about these places. Over 30 million people a year visit Vegas. I haven’t been in years. Granted, I live in “Little Vegas”. Driving 500 miles to gamble when I can drive 5 miles seems pointless. The last time I drove down to Vegas it was only because I was on my way to Death Valley National Park. I’d rather go to Nepal.

  9. Speaking of National Parks, I love National Parks so much I visit the ones in Canada too. I’ve been through Lassen Volcanic National Park numerous time because it is close.

  10. Photography. I took photography in high school and always wanted to have my own dark room. Now I want a SLR digital camera. A really good one.

  11. I used to have a job that had me “on the road” for two to three months a year. I always enjoyed traveling, but that job would be why I know I love sleeping in my own bed. So much that I think I’ll go take a nap. ;)

  12. I enjoy surfing the Internet. Enjoying the Internet is a double-edged sword. If I had saved all my IP charges over the years I could have spent a month in Australia.

  13. Bad weather. I don’t mind storms. I love rain. I enjoy hot days too. Wouldn’t it be boring if every day was had great weather? It was super hot today. I enjoyed it for less time than I would have if it were 80! But, I still enjoyed it.

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

Jennifer Shirk | Tempest Knight | Ember Case | Isabelle Santiago | L.K. Campbell | Babe King | Heather | Ciar | Rhian | Cora Zane | Lauren Dane | Bernadette Gardner / Jennifer Colgan | Daisy Dexter Dobbs | Bebe Thomas


  1. #8 is something I'd definitely do. I'd travel until I got tired, come home to rest a week, and turn around and travel more. That sounds like the ultimate dreamlife to me. *sigh*

    Happy T13, Annalee!

  2. We like many of the same things, apparently. :-)

  3. Yes, the ultimate dream! I'd have to have enough money to bring people I'd miss too. LOL.

  4. Ooops. I was so busy I forgot about TT.

    I love National Parks, too. My favs are Glacier and Yellowstone.

  5. Sure, make me feel like a slacker for not doing one this week, lol. We seem to have quite a bit in common. I love to travel, haven't been able to do much, though-especially the past 6 years. Definitely what I would do were I to come into a few million dollars. ;)

  6. First of all great new blog layout! :D Very pretty.

    Second, That's a great list!!! One of my all time favorite things is also singing alot to great musicals. :D *high five* I don't feel like such a theatre geek now.

  7. Jennifer. I lived in SE Alaska for years but I never managed to see Glacier NP.

  8. Anonymous1:43 PM PDT

    So many great things on here!
    I adore your new blog theme. So pretty! I think it's going to be one my favorite things today :)


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