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Google Watching Out For Us

Years ago I found this fellow on the Internet for adoption. I used to have him on my Web site, linking back to the creator's Web site.

I was wandering around my old Web pages recently and the link didn't work.

Light bulb comes on.


It occured to me that the owner may have just moved the site, so I opened Google and this is what I got...

Of course, being an average surfer so I clicked faster than I read, and this is what I got...

They're protecting me from nothing. The Web site is gone. As I recall, the creator was an active graphics user that people talked to. So I'd have to assume that someone else caused this malware problem and Geocities deleted her account.

Still, it is nice to know that Google's bots are keeping an eye out for us.

By the way...

Last night I was chatting with a blogger I've been talking to for years and she mentioned that I post a lot of images.

I know. This post is proof. But, I can't help myself.

I used to have so many images on my Web site back in the day that everyone had dialup that I had this warning...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
These pages are image intensive.
There is plenty of text to read while the pictures load.

I thought the snail was a cute touch. I found him on some freebie image Web site long, long ago. I don't know who created him.
