This image to demonstrates air quality in the United States as compared to the image I found today of the Great Wall of China hidden by smog. This is the haze that we put up with here in the least green country on the Greendex. This is a hazy day! I took this picture from the shore of one side of Pyramid Lake looking down the length of it. Those mountains on the far side are well over 30 miles away. The lake at the longest point is a almost 30 miles across.
This afternoon I wandered across a gallery at Zazzle with some tees that would make good gifts for writers of BDSM erotic romance. Wanna Be MY slave, little man? T-shirt by female_supremacy's Gallery at Zazzle . Wanna Be MY slave,little man? by Female_Supremacy Shop for a t-shirt on zazzle Browse Clothing T-Shirts
Great shot of this beautifully and unusual place.